So how much Kalk to add to the water when dosing kalk was a concept I didn't really understand until I started dosing kalk. The major point to know is that only so much calcium hydroxide (CaOH) goes into solution. So if you have a gallon of water to top off with and you add a cup of kalk and 5 cups of kalk, only a little bit of the kalk will disolve into solution. The remainder will settle out and stay in the bottom of your container. Now the difference is, if your bottle is a pain in the butt to get open, then you can put a bunch of kalk/lime in the container, add DI/RO water daily until it is used up.
So then te next question is: how can you tell when it is used up? I am not sure if this is correct or not, but mine changes from a white powder to a little bit of a tan/brown color. I originally thought it was from the exposure to air, oxidation or similar, but I am pretty sure now that it is just the residue left over after the calcium oxide is used up.