kalk drip.... many ?????

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OMG I hope it's a typo

ya it's 78

FYI from the readings I've been keeping I average about a .11 drop/day in alk
and about 5/day Calcium

and to be honest I haven't payed much attention to PH unless I get bored or have nothing better to do.
How's your coralline looking? Do you have any dime sized spots yet?? I was thinking that might be the reason you are dropping 5/day, cuz you really don't have that many frags in there, yet. :D :D
So how much Kalk to add to the water when dosing kalk was a concept I didn't really understand until I started dosing kalk. The major point to know is that only so much calcium hydroxide (CaOH) goes into solution. So if you have a gallon of water to top off with and you add a cup of kalk and 5 cups of kalk, only a little bit of the kalk will disolve into solution. The remainder will settle out and stay in the bottom of your container. Now the difference is, if your bottle is a pain in the butt to get open, then you can put a bunch of kalk/lime in the container, add DI/RO water daily until it is used up.

So then te next question is: how can you tell when it is used up? I am not sure if this is correct or not, but mine changes from a white powder to a little bit of a tan/brown color. I originally thought it was from the exposure to air, oxidation or similar, but I am pretty sure now that it is just the residue left over after the calcium oxide is used up.

also, I ordered like 3 canisters of Mrs Wages pickling lime, and in my entire life, I will not use it all. I could likely part with 1 or 2 of the canisters if anyone is interested.


Well, my one galon container was still dripping away when I left for work this morning but when I got home from work it had stopped. So I actually only dripped about 3/4 gal.

Readings today
CA - 420
Dkh - 3.31
PH - 8.1

Dkh increased a little but I also added baking soda after yesterdays readings so not sure if it was that or the drip. I'll drip again tonight and take more reading tomarrow and post for everyone.

And Charlie, hard to believe but the coralline aglea is taking off pretty fast. I should take some picts for you since you can't make it over very often :) :eek:

just kidding

thanks again everyone
got to love Kalk

Well the latest readings today are identicle to where I started. No drop in calc, ph, or alk.

I have stablized at 420, 3.31, 8.1

May not be perfect but pretty balanced to me and I think it's better to be stable than perfect. Is it not better this way than having to add Baking Soda every couple days :)

Thanks again to a great website and people willing to share their colective knowledge.
