Must not be using the Medusa then! That's part of what drove me crazy with it..... the one degree swing allowed before the annoying "beeeeeeeppppp".
Tagging along
Still don't have it hooked up Dan. Yes, I am THAT lazy. BTW, I allow my tank temp. to float on purpose. It saves a LOT of electrical energy!
Actually I had a little snafu yesterday involving the AC temp. probe. I was messing around with the COND probe and unplugged it. What I didn't notice is that I also unplugged the temp. probe accidentally. Then I started getting the alarm emails and went down to investigate. When the temp. probe is off, then everything esle gets FUBAR'd because they use the system temp. as part of their formula, so the ORP and pH readings were all off.
So when I plugged it back in, I did not get the correct readings. I then reset the ACIII Pro and it appeared to solve the problem. However, I noticed throughout the day that the temp. did not get up to where it normally would, nor did the pH. Up this morning and the pH is at 7.80. So this means I now have to calibrate the temp. probe (and all probes) to get back on track.
Once I have it done correctly, I will pull the erroneous data points so it will not mess up my report on the Two Little Fishes kalkwasser. I had expected to post about it today with graphs etc. but I am guessing it will be another day or two before that is all ready for public consumption.
Just to do a quick update on the kalk, the TLF is still going fine. When I lowered my stir times by one minute, the alkalinity took nearly a 1 point dive in about 30 hours, so I re-programmed it back to 4 minutes per stir rather than 3. The alkalinity did go back up, so I am interested to see where it sits today, even with the temp. probe screw-up.
That is all.