Kassie's Biocube 29!

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
About two years ago my 65 gal tank crashed (don't buy halides in eBay from Hong Kong!). My pistol shrimp and watchmen goby were the only ones to survive. I kept them in a simple 5 gal tank until I got my biocube. Unfortunately the pistol died the day I was going to put it into the cube, I'm not sure why. My tank finished its cycle just in time for the frag swap and now it looks amazing!


Lighting - I installed my LED system on Friday (Steve's LED's)
18- Royal Blue Luxeon ES 3 watt LEDs
10- 5,000K Neutral White Luxeon ES 3 watt LEDs
LED Advanced Moonlight System: unfortunately this is stuck on the strobe light setting so I have to take the hood off again and see what is going on
Filtration - In Tank media basket (filter floss, Seachem Purigen, and Chemi-pure elite)
In Tank fuge basket
Biocube skimmer (I will upgrade soon!)

30lbs rock
30 lbs black sand
Red scooter bleny
watchmen goby
lots of corals (thanks to the frag swap!)

I am really excited for this tank. Although it is much smaller than my previous tank I will be able to do so much more because of the lighting.

Here are some before and after pics of the tank with the new lights!

Before (stock lighting):

After...lights at only 50% I will take more when the tank is done acclimating!
Looks good! At 50% that tank is really bright! Interested to see it at 100%. :)

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That's a really good color combination. And yeah curious to see what 100% looks like. think you'll raise the fixture?

Optimus G
I can't wait to see it at 100% either! When I was looking for my new tank I contemplated doing an open top with a raised light fixture. The main reason I didn't is because my watchman is a jumper. I know I could sell him, but he was one of my first fish and has been through a lot...I am kinda attached! In the future (far future) when I rebuild my 65 gal I may do a raised fixture.
Kassie, your tank looks very nice. I love the black sand. I kind of wished when I set my 36 bow front up I had used black sand. Keep us posted as you add stuff.
Kassie, your tank looks very nice. I love the black sand. I kind of wished when I set my 36 bow front up I had used black sand. Keep us posted as you add stuff.

Thanks! I love the black sand too. My first tank was bare bottem but I always wanted to try the black sand. I am now on the lookout for an bbt anemone but I want one that is different and really cool looking. I am a little concerned that it may be too early to add one though so I will probably wait. I will definitely take pics when I get one!
I have finally got around to loading some pics on to my computer. I got the lighting to 100% but my corals seem to be happier with the blue LED at 100% and the white slightly lower. My tank got to a horrifying 88 degrees yesterday. I am taking better precautions today to keep it cool.

This is my gobbie and his buddy

This is not the best pic but I used my phone. I will try to get a hold of a camera to take better pics.
@Truziel Thanks! I love the black sand. I was not home yesterday so I couldn't put fans up and close curtains. I currently have the glass covered on the tank to prevent light from windows coming in and a small fan sitting on top of the tank blowing into the back. It's at 80 degrees so hopefully it won't get much higher. I wish a chiller was feasible but it's not :-(
Could you not make a RO/DI ice cube and put it in the overflow chamber? gives the ice time to melt and mix with the water before entering the display?
I would monitor it closely and pull the cube out if needed. Anyone else try this perhaps?
I only have the small back area of the biocube, no sump that would fit a bottle of water. I put a small container in the freezer with water. Hopefully that will help, I don't have much space in the first chamber with the skimmer in it.
I freeze a narrow water bottle and put it in the back chamber on these rare hot days. It has saved my bio cube a few times now.

On a side note, how are you liking those Stages LED's? Do you get any disco ball effect on the sand bed?
If my tank temp was to high and I needed to bring the temp down I would drop that frozen bottle right in the display area. JMO

Now that I think about my reply. I have had to do exactly that. I too have an AIO