Korallin Calcium Reactor Help

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Nov 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Hi, I am setting a Korallin Calcium reactor to drip at 150ml and 40 bubbles per minute. When i set it up, after 5 or 6 minutes the bubble counting decrease until it stops. When it occurs, the line of co2 get water from the bubble counter trought the check valve. Any help with it will be appreciated.:D
For Starters set the REactor to 40 drips per min and 6-8 bubbles per min... That should give you a good start... The reactor has a built in Co2 shut off feature which can be a pain but is very nice when you get used to it... A good feed pump into the reactor helps alot as well...

im trying to set one up and the directions are terrible! Not sure if I'm doing this right. Does anyone used this type? I've got two outlet tubes going into a plastic cup with a pH monitor inside. I'm trying to set the bubble count. It came with a white plastic "valve"? that screw down over the airline tubing, but I'm not sure where it's supposed to go (intake of CO2?). Please help!
I have been using a 3002 for around 1 1/2 years. I gave up using the output line with the co2 shut off feature and now use the line in the center of the top. The reason was I was pulling small bubbles in through the feed line to the reactor in the sump. I do 28-33 bubbles per minute of co2 and a very fast drip almost stream out of the reactor. I run an aqualifter pump to provide water to the reactor. I dot not use a controller for the CO2 system.

Reefermadness4, the white pinch valve goes on the effluent output do the tank to set the drip rate.

Marcusaltec, it sounds like a regulator problem, set the output pressure on the regulator to 15-20 lbs. then adjust the needle valve for the proper bubble rate. Watch the output pressure on the gauge to make sure it holds the 15-20 lbs if it starts to fall turn the regulator valve clock wise 1/10th a turn. Then observe the pressure for bit. Also be make sure there are no CO2 leaks between the bottle and the CO2 shutoff solenoid valve. To do this close the valve on the bottle and unplug the solenoid valve, the output pressure should hold at the set rate 15-20 lbs.
Make sure that you installed the check valve with the arrow pointing the direction the CO2 gas should be flowing.

What pump are you using to feed you reactor? I ask this because it is possible to pressurize you reactor to over the 15-20 lbs this would most likely only happen in you are feed you reactor with a piston type dosing pump. In this case you would need to increase the pressure from regulator to be higher than the presser in the reactor.

One other thing I have noticed if you keep your CO2 bottles in your garage the pressure changes quite a bit with temperature swings. So your bubble rate will change as well.

Hope this helps PM me your phone number and I'll help you out over the phone if you like.

Thank you,
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hi Dave,which one the best to drip in to the cup collecter,,from #1 out put or #2 output ,,for the best performance result.try me again,got little confuse?thanks
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I'm not sure which is #1 or #2, I only use the output in the center of the lid it is not connected to any pvc pipes. The one that is on the pvc pipe is completely shut off.
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sorry,didn't mean to hi jack this tread
,that #2 outlet@the ctr of the lit,,it had been dripping right now,,i just did swicthed from PM to K 3002 so far so good ph 6.58 fast drip,thanks