Were on or way to find some rocks not everyone was born with a gold spoon in their...............like you and Peppie!
lucky nothing! that cost me like $450! so shut your blowhole....ar at least turn it down a notch,lol.
Were on or way to find some rocks not everyone was born with a gold spoon in their...............like you and Peppie!
Gotta love a blank slate Kevin. Looking forward to seeing it come together in there.
Well next month will be betterThat looks really nice a great project ahead! If i was a little closer i would be there to help or at least get in your guy's way!
How many feet of that wall are you going to use?
Are you going to stack some of those 7 sumps one on top of the other?
How long is your return line going to be? 5'? 7'? 14'?
With 600gal of sump water in your garage are you going to vent out the humid air?
Do you think your sweeties car will rust when she parks in there in the winter?
OMG, you are killing me here!!!
the answer to all the above is "duh, um...don't know" lol. except the rusty car part to which I will ask, what about your wifes car which is wayyy nicer than mine!
I cant wait to draw lines all over your freshly painted wall!
Looks like your 90 deg. elbow that will feed your CL pump is going to be less than 15'' away from the inlet of the pump. Cavitation??????
I believe in you my friend and its looking SOoooo good, but i too want to put hand prints all over that wall for some reasonlol