Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

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Find out if the bottom is Tempered. If not, drill the bottom and go through the stand. Then you have the choice of drilling 2 holes in the upper coners of your back glass and use them as returns. Then slicone the starboard in for strength and saftey. Just a thought. I know you would be happier with less dangly things in your tank :p

It's tempered...Got a cute little sticker on the bottom that says so(LOL)

I honestly would like to drill the back side, but like I've stated above, it will be too much trouble right now. Also, with this new cover on the cpr (which doesn't stick out far in the tank anyway), you won't even notice it is really there.

Here's a picture of the bottom piece siliconed in and drying. I ran a bead of white silicone around the whole thing tonight to prevent anything from getting underneath as well as I siliconed underneath it which I had setup this morning before I went to work.

Whoa you did a great job. Looks real nice!

Yea, it's a tough decission when you have the tank and don't want to make the job harder than it could be. It's all good man. We know your going to have an awsome tank anyway.
Whoa you did a great job. Looks real nice!

Yea, it's a tough decission when you have the tank and don't want to make the job harder than it could be. It's all good man. We know your going to have an awsome tank anyway.

Thanks man...Just pray the crap doesn't leak!:shock: I can't wait to challenge the rockwork! I'm thinking it will be really nice!:)
Here are all of the new photos. I've decided to stick with the rockwork and Tunze placement in the photos below. I may (BIG MAY) add another Tunze, but not until I start to add corals to see whether it will be necessary.

Well I liked it before, I didn't think I would say this but your down grade looks even better :D You sure do have the knack for stackin rocks. Keep up the good work. When are you going to slip in a few corals :)
Well I liked it before, I didn't think I would say this but your down grade looks even better You sure do have the knack for stackin rocks. Keep up the good work. When are you going to slip in a few corals

Thanks Tom...I've got "rocks" for brains so it makes me work well with them(LOL) I lost about 15 or so lbs or rock, which means I may have saved a bit more water. I think the total loss of gallons was about 10 gal.

About the corals, I "want" to add them now. My nitrates last checked were at 5ppm (started out at 10 when set up) and I'm sure they have dropped since then especially during the swap. My problem is I am only running half the wattage of light in my tank for now (only 2 of my bulbs rather than the 4)to allow the coraline to spread a bit first. Also, I will have to determine exactly what type of corals I want to go with to know if 260 watt pc lighting would be fine or if I'd need something a little stronger. Fish wise, I think it may only be one more, or two small species at the most. Not big on huge bio-loads. I just like things to look healthy and neat. Then there is the consideration of a calcium reactor. A few things to consider...Definately will be corals in there before the baby comes in August.

Thanks again for the reply:)
i gotta say... i love it dood !!
you did a heck of a job :) , i like how you set your tunze and the white board thingy .... seriously it looks awesome !!
i gotta say... i love it dood !!
you did a heck of a job , i like how you set your tunze and the white board thingy .... seriously it looks awesome !!

She's alive!(LOL) I thought you must have had stir fry poisoning or something:) Thanks Gabbs! I'm loving it...I just came back from out with my friend from the LFS and we are going to try and get another fish in there this week and then it will be just maybe one more after he settles and call it quits with fish. Then it will be time for corals I guess...My friend (Andrew's brother) may go back salt again after looking at my tank tonight. I hope he does. We use to have a blast going out abd catching stuff!
lol !! :D no stir fry for me dood... i can't see any chinese or italian food, the only thing i can eat right now is ..... Mexican :D, for some reason i cannot even see pizza because i'll start feeling puky hehe :p.

Do you know what type of fish you would like? to bad you can't put Dori in there with the yellow tang.
I may try one...Some people say they only fight for a day or two. Another guy here wants a "dori" as well so if my YT tries to pick on him, I'll just let him have it. Apart from that, I want a royal gramma for sure and not sure what else if the Blue hippo doesn't work.
Guys I gotta tell you this was the fastest aqua-scape job I have ever seen Krish do and it looks absolutely beautiful. If you would look at the picture of the rock that he has a close-up on. there is this white thing that I swear is some sort of gorgonian, but we aren't sure and I can't find a picture to match. He has two in the tank and both are looking great. By the way drilling is a good concept but you honestly cannot see his CPR with the cover he designed and I think once corraline grows over it wil be even less obtrusive than if he had drilled. Besides I know this guy if you keep convincing him to change the tank we will have to roll it into the delivery room (LOL)! Awesome job Krish!:eek:
Thanks Andrew...Your brother came here tonight and said he may set back up a saltwater tank again(LOL) That will be cool...He will pretty much go with then same setup as me. No delivery room for this tank! I like it like it is. Flows good, overflow is working a lot more efficiently and everything seems happy. :)
Great job Krish. Your patience is inspiring. Glad to see you take it nice and slow. You sure know how to make things work for you when you put your mind to it.
Great job Krish. Your patience is inspiring. Glad to see you take it nice and slow. You sure know how to make things work for you when you put your mind to it.

Thanks man...It will get there eventually:)
i was under the impression that if ur tank wasnt drilled u couldnt get a sump only now i realize that your tank is not drilled and that this CPR is an overflow unit i havent got a sump and would love to have one how much did that thingy cost and how dose it work i have a 2 foot tank that could possibly be used as a sump could alwasy make one would be really nice to get that
@#!$%^ protien skimmer out of the main tank its such an isore as always that tank looks fair dinknum need a really nice cave with an over hang for ur banded shrimp mine loves hers
i was under the impression that if ur tank wasnt drilled u couldnt get a sump only now i realize that your tank is not drilled and that this CPR is an overflow unit i havent got a sump and would love to have one how much did that thingy cost and how dose it work i have a 2 foot tank that could possibly be used as a sump could alwasy make one would be really nice to get that
@#!$%^ protien skimmer out of the main tank its such an isore as always that tank looks fair dinknum need a really nice cave with an over hang for ur banded shrimp mine loves hers

LOL...Yeah man! My sump is only about 15 gallons total. Here's where I got my CPR If you are going to have one built, this one may be an easier one

If you want, I can take a few photos for you of how mine is set up and how the water gets to the sump. Just let me know. Infact, I think there are photos already on here of when I explained how it worked to Tony. I'll dig it up for you and pm you. But let me know if you need me to take some more...

Since I'm here, I'll just update my thread with my new zoos:)
