Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Don't laugh...I know I'm nuts.:p

I decided to give up a few gallons to suit my needs better. I wanted something a little lower in height so I wouldn't have to aquascape so high and also something lower for my cpr to be able to work more efficiently in conjunction with my skimmer. Also, the scratches man!!!(LOL) So I bought a new 75 AGA today and took it down to the shop and installed a blue acrylic background on the inside of the tank and also a white starboard bottom for the rocks to sit on (BB). The reason why the background was put on the inside is because I had a cover made for my cpr overflow to hide it from view so with the background being in the tank as well as the cover, they'd match in color(I tried it before with the background on the outside of the glass and the cover on the inside and the shades were different...OCD:D )

So here are the first few shots of the new tank. I lit it up with an old light 40 watt light so you guys can see it. The background is already siliconed in, but the starboard floor isn't. I'll glue it in tonight and let it set (if you guys think I should use it ). I will be setting it all up this weekend. Wish me luck! I'm trying to make use of some wise info I was given on my aquascaping so it won't be so symmetrical. So it will be a different approach for me. And for the record...I'm still going to be balancing rocks!:)

My new 75 on the floor and the old 90 in the back

The cover for my CPR overflow

Tank with starboard just resting on the bottom

Tank with overflow cover sitting in the tank

Hey krish have fun with the move. it should be easy. you know when you up grade to something bigger like my tank when it comes time to move anything then you start stressing. and just to think how small my tank is compared to a lot of larger tanks it is scary to think about moving them...

Best of luck
Hey krish have fun with the move. it should be easy. you know when you up grade to something bigger like my tank when it comes time to move anything then you start stressing. and just to think how small my tank is compared to a lot of larger tanks it is scary to think about moving them...

Best of luck

Thanks Matt...I'm only stressing about the rockwork. I always spend hours!
yes you always have to take your time.
as you know I just moved and when we moved the tank I re-arranged the live rock in my tank. I like the way I have it this time a lot better then before. however I will not re-arrange it again. unless something causes me to be in a situation where I have no choice.:lol:

Nice tank Krish! Get it drilled :) I am possitive that you are going to make it look soooo cool. Can't wait to see what you have done by the end of the weekend.
i think your new tank is gonna look just as good as the 90 :) .
you know dood if you can't get the shape you want.. just drill a few wholes and i think you'd get something better.. just in case because i know you want it to look good and hmm no symmetrical ( i still want names and he better come to my house and do my rocks :D :lol:).
It's good that you are doing all this right now because it's way way harder to do aquascaping with corals on the rocks.
and about the height, i don't know what's your hight but man, my tank might only be 37, but i need a chair to get my hands down in there.
Besides, you can save that tank and may be latter make it hmm.. i don't know ... your anemone tank or only fish tank... something kewl ;) or for Krish junior.
Get it drilled

Krish Ron has a very good point the tank is out & empty do you have any glass shops close by? Call & ask to see what they charge to drill? It should not be much more than $15-20 a hole No more cpr over flow.. Just an idea..Jeff:rolleyes:

Detri said:
Nice tank Krish! Get it drilled :) I am possitive that you are going to make it look soooo cool. Can't wait to see what you have done by the end of the weekend.
Holy cow! That's the most expensive reaquascape job I think I've seen! ;) :lol:

Congrats on the downsizing! I look forward to seeing this one up and running.
Krish, your perspective in that picture is Hilarious ! ! It makes it look like a 120 or something ! ! Congratulations on the glass, you will love it. The advise on drilling is worth considering, really ! I just hate "overflows" ( CPR "type" ) ! ! ! !

Best of luck Bud ! > Wave98 :)
Krish Ron has a very good point the tank is out & empty do you have any glass shops close by? Call & ask to see what they charge to drill? It should not be much more than $15-20 a hole No more cpr over flow.. Just an idea..Jeff

Shhh...I know.:( I talked to my friend 2 days ago who owns a glass company and he said he'd do it for me (at no cost) The problem is I'd have to have an overflow made and it would have to be a corner overflow because of the center brace. The problem with that is it would have to be on the left side which means everyone could see it from the side (including me LOL) If I did it from the right, then I'd have to spin my sump around and re-work everything in my stand and also put on a new back because the holes wouldn't work what is there. If I did a center overflow, then it would have to be wide to clear the center brace with enough space to get in there to plumb which would make my sea swirl useless stuck over to one end of the tank. If the bottom could be drilled, then I'd do it right away. Oh yeah, and no-one has the good black bulkheads here which means I'd have to order it from away...

I need a new signature

You will now be know as MR NANO 75

LOL...That's cool:lol:

Holy cow! That's the most expensive reaquascape job I think I've seen!

Congrats on the downsizing! I look forward to seeing this one up and running

LOL...Yeah. I'm starting a new trend...Everytime I re-aquascape I will buy a new tank!:D

Krish, your perspective in that picture is Hilarious ! ! It makes it look like a 120 or something ! ! Congratulations on the glass, you will love it. The advise on drilling is worth considering, really ! I just hate "overflows" ( CPR "type" ) ! ! ! !

Best of luck Bud ! > Wave98

Thanks Barry! You, Jeff and Ron have me thinking again about drilling, but not sure how well it will work for me right now with how things are setup. Time is also a factor as well. I'm really busy with work and also, got the baby on the way, so the tank has to be setup ad running smoothly by then so that I wouldn't have to put so much time and effort into it then. So I want to get it out of the way ASAP.
I'm really busy with work and also, got the baby on the way, so the tank has to be setup ad running smoothly by then so that I wouldn't have to put so much time and effort into it then. So I want to get it out of the way ASAP.

LOL !!! naww dood, when Krish jr. arrives, you'll have plenty plenty time since you'll be getting up in the middle of the night every 2 hours ... trust me, you and i are gonna be sombies :) .

Find out if the bottom is Tempered. If not, drill the bottom and go through the stand. Then you have the choice of drilling 2 holes in the upper coners of your back glass and use them as returns. Then slicone the starboard in for strength and saftey. Just a thought. I know you would be happier with less dangly things in your tank :p