Lesion on a Bimaculatus Anthias ?

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
san francisco bay area

Hi Lee,

I have 6 bimaculatus anthias in a 40 gal breeder tank in QT for about 2 weeks. I did a prazipro treatment to deworming them, feeding them 3-5x daily (w/selcon, vitachem, garlic, & beta glucan) with aggressive water changes. One of the anthias has developed what appears to be a lesion on it's right side. What course of treatment do you recommend ?



Sorry for the delayed response -- computer problems.

Anyway, lesions are the result of a variety of problems, including but not limited to tumors, cancer, TB, and a short list of other problems. Sometimes, it is just the fish's way to seal off (wall off) a serious bacterial infection (like a human pimple). Considtions of this sort CAN be transmitted to humans so, beware.

Best to treat with Furan-2 or a similar medication with that same antibiotic in it.
Thanks for the reply Lee, unfortunately I list half my fish and I'm wary about the others. I guess it's true that anthias are the canary of saltwater fish. Should I treat differently next time I try a batch ? Fresh water dip ? Copper ?
I would not recommend using copper unless the fish is displaying signs of Marine Ich and/or Marine Velvet. I would recommend the FW dip.

We know that our ornamental marine fishes eat throughout the day, however the Anthias (most species) are the extreme -- they eat small amounts, almost constantly. Their system is built to this pattern. They are best fed multiple (4+) times per day. They do best -- thrive -- with this strategy, but this is not to say they won't survive on less.

Try to only acquire those you can inspect first, and verify are healthy and eating.