Cirrhitichthys falco
What are you using Snowboarda42 ? Very nice work there man!
Thanks! I'm using Photoshop CS2
What are you using Snowboarda42 ? Very nice work there man!
Gaby are those the same clowns you had for a long time?
Do you count resizing to fit RF as photo editing. Other than cropping to cut out the less desireable parts of the pics, here's a whole thread. I dont do any color or contrast editing to any of my pics. I do however, take alot of pics and throw out about 90% of them. Isnt that how everybody does it?
Aint photoshop amazing?? LOL
:razz: :razz: :badgrin: :razz: :razz: :shock: :lol: :razz: :razz: