Lets talk about- Clean up crews

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Nice pics, they look like garbage collectors instead of scavangers LOL. Everything must stick to the tuxedo.
Nice urchin. Looks like the one that I have. They do "collect" things, but they also eat algae.
There is so much I want and would like to have. But, I tend to get attached to the livestock I own in tanks. My system won't support critters like that right now. Something my wife doesn't understand. But learning. I'm not adding anything else till I get all my rock I want first.
Just one more bit of info on the longspine. They get freaking huge. I mean spines four five six inches long and they are fast when they want to get somewhere they can really move. So when cleaning just because it was somewhere it doesnt mean it still is. Keep a eye on them. Vinager seems to work good on the spine sticks. Just be gentle and pick them up by one or two spines and they are easy to handle.
Has anyone had there shrimp successfully spawn and raise any offspring?

Nope. I've never had anything long enough to have offspring(LOL)

Nice tuxedo urchin Shauna! They remind me of a sand dollar...Are they anything alike besides echinoderms?
Thanks Nikki!! I was more asking here. But I will definately read those. I have read a couple of them before. I am more curious what people have tried and the out come.

Also to try and get a few more posts on this thread. I think we can probably learn more about Shrimp, Stars and Urchins.
Oops - sorry Detri :oops:. I haven't tried rearing my shrimp eggs...might be fun to do someday, but a lot of work? Hope you find the articles good, anyway :).

BTW - I'm glad you bumped the thread up again...I was going to put together some info on Urchins, next. This served as my reminder :D
Hehe, Actually I think it takes alot of work to breed any marine animal and I respect those that do, do it. I just think the more you understand the fish and inverts in your tank. you can probably be a better keeper. Anyone can have a fish and feed it, but not everyone can keep them alive for years like alot have done on these boards. You can probably live without clean up crews but your going to be doing a hell alot of work on your own.

When you see crabs in the wild, how many are in one area? Say 50 square feet. How many shrimp? And so on. Choosing the right balance is probably crutial, and the cause of alot problems. Like crabs, you have to take into consideration, will your living system sustain "one"? If you don't have enough of thier natural foods or supply them. They will go after the things you don't want them to. Now I don't know much about them, so I could be totally wrong. They could just be as bad as people say they are.

How big does an emerald crab grow in the wild?
hehe, see now I know why everyone likes you here :D. Your so enthusiastic, not mention helpful. I don't know how many links I have clicked on that you have left in threads. and 99% of the time it has the excact answer I am looking for :)
hmm Krabs are not evil :) they just want food and when they get a different taste of something that's when there's a problem.
I really don't know how big they can get, mine so far is as big as a 2 dollar canadian coin.