Lets Talk Heaters!!!

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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
WEll this picture should be pritty self explanatory but, after my heater failed (the little set nob) i had to run out and get my self a new one.

Im now useing the WON brand lcd computer controled heaters, they work very very good, and from what i can tell are the eazyest ones to set.
Lets start a poll here (dont know how tho) and have all you tell us about your heater choise, and your experance with it

have fun!!!


oh btw, i dont know how that caseing came outta my weapon as well, but the heater is on death row.

i was thinking of sket shooting with it

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i use Aqua Via titanium heaters.....i can't stand heaters w/ a knob you have to turn and guess at the temp...the aqua via's have the temp marked and you set them and you are done
sorry island boy, this doesnt effect you i guess, mr I need a chiller 24/7, 365
I'm a die hard Jager user. I've never had anything but perfect reliability out of them. I've used a Hagen, but it locked on and attempted to overheat the tank. Luckily, it was the backup "too small for the tank" heater.

Jager, Jager! I'm surprised you had a problem.
ya, i guess pulling that nob up and down, it was not accuret enought.

i was geting sick of woundering was in gonna turn on, or was it gonna turn off.

this one day after i set it, i went to the womans house. and came back and my tank was 84 i freaked, and was like what do i do what do i do!

up pluged that sucker and let it cool off at its own rate

keep it comeing people what heaters do you use
Jager's are, as best I can tell, not fully submersible. At least not any off the recent ones.

That is correct, Dylan. There's a "Water Level" mark on them. Mine have been underwater for short periods (don't ask), and still work fine. They seem to be able to handle it, but I wouldn't recommend it at all.
Really have to advise against anything made by won

I have used the WON Titanium heaters for a couple of years without trouble now I'm concerned.:confused: I also have a Tronic that's about 4 years old and has never failed.
I hate heaters!

I have posted this before - but it is no less true:

My opinion - based on my experience: never trust the controller on a heater. Never! Spend the money to get a Ranco controller - you can get one for $80 plus shipping. Rancos are industrial strength and I have never heard of one failing. I think heaters are the poorest quality piece of equipment we use in our tanks - and the controllers are the worst part of the heaters.

In the past two years I have gone through 6 heaters (four different brands - glass and titanium) - and only by sheer luck did I not loose anything significant. Well, actually not quite luck: I have a thermometer mounted on the front side of my tank so I noticed the problems fairly quickly. I also use a grounding probe which was essential during one of the heater problems. The worst problem I had was a heater that was always on, but the d@mn light was off! After getting the Ranco I sleep much easier.

O, and getting a spare heater is also essential - though they will stick in the on position, sometimes they can also stick in the off position, so a spare heater can be a life saver.

Did I mention: I hate heaters!
I've used both jajers & won, more than one of each & had problems, the last heater I used was a Won with an independent temp. probe which seemed to work well for the time I had it. Next time I'm thinking a controller.
I would have to agree that aquarium heaters are about the crappiest thing you can get for a reef tank. I also went with a ranco last year and love it. You can get them for $50 off of ebay, best investment you can make.

I have posted this before - but it is no less true:

My opinion - based on my experience: never trust the controller on a heater. Never! Spend the money to get a Ranco controller - you can get one for $80 plus shipping. Rancos are industrial strength and I have never heard of one failing. I think heaters are the poorest quality piece of equipment we use in our tanks - and the controllers are the worst part of the heaters.

In the past two years I have gone through 6 heaters (four different brands - glass and titanium) - and only by sheer luck did I not loose anything significant. Well, actually not quite luck: I have a thermometer mounted on the front side of my tank so I noticed the problems fairly quickly. I also use a grounding probe which was essential during one of the heater problems. The worst problem I had was a heater that was always on, but the d@mn light was off! After getting the Ranco I sleep much easier.

O, and getting a spare heater is also essential - though they will stick in the on position, sometimes they can also stick in the off position, so a spare heater can be a life saver.

Did I mention: I hate heaters!
Out of my 12 total heaters, 10 are EboJagers (of which 8 are submersed), and the other 2 is one of each RenaCal Top Lite and Tronic.

No EboJager has ever failed....yet...............(fingers crossed). But I have had RenaCal Top Lite heaters fail, and they are about twice as much as EboJager's in cost. 92 degrees is not a good thing.

hmm i got a heater.
It says on the heater that is a Tronic :p and then it says 150W .
It used to work great for the past 2 years but then i don't know what the heck happened to it (may be i hitted it hard :p) and now if i leave it alone, it can heat the whole tank up to 86 :eek: ...... Luckly i don't need a heater anymore because with my lights the tank gets only up to 78 and sometimes during the winter gets up to 80 but that's about it.

Now what's up with the gun showing?.......... don't shoot dood i'm a sponge !! :lol:
I had my WON go nuts on me last year... I don't like them at all... Get an Ebo-Jager :D

Jc Pollman And Big T I second everything you said ! I think controllers are eventually necessary and this is one reason why !!!

Ebo Jaggers mine was not even close to being within 1 degree of the dial it was 7 degrees off !!!!!!!