Lets Try this again

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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You'll probably have to be an Active, paid up PSAS member in order to view the thread.

could be

kinda hard to justify for me (live in Kitsap, work Saturdays, and more recently, I just found out I'm getting laid off and may be selling everything to finance relocating if I can find a job)
why would you post a Private link (and no information) on a seperate forum? :spy: :crazy:

Well first off, information was posted the first time I made a thread about this. Not only that but I'm trying to increase traffic to the clubs board. The link is private because it is a contest that is only available to paid up to date members....

In hopes of trying to get more interest Basically the contest is like this (a VERY brief run down of what it is) We need flyers for the bob moore. I'm in NO WAY artsy so i've devised a contest for members to develop a flyer for the bob moore frag swap on 2/11/12 with the prize being a 6" diameter gold aussie Wall hammer.

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why not just post the info?
along with the disclamer that the contest is only open to members.

I thought most forums discourage posting links with no description

I did enjoy the couple of PSAS meetings I was able to attend (when my work skedule allowed it) as well as the other members I had the privlage to meet.
but I (as well as many others) have a hard time paying for membership of a club that I can no longer make meetings with, or take advantage of in any part other than a slow forum. (posting the info and/or making the link public may intice more traffic than a dead end)

why not just post the info?
along with the disclamer that the contest is only open to members.

I thought most forums discourage posting links with no description

I did enjoy the couple of PSAS meetings I was able to attend (when my work skedule allowed it) as well as the other members I had the privlage to meet.
but I (as well as many others) have a hard time paying for membership of a club that I can no longer make meetings with, or take advantage of in any part other than a slow forum. (posting the info and/or making the link public may intice more traffic than a dead end)

There are many ways you can take advantage of the club membership without even attending a single meeting. For example Mike, The owner of coralgasm has offered to run a GB through the club if we can get a decent size order togethor, Bulk reef supply is always up for doing group buys and the club is happy to sponor them, the shark reef (based on my last conversation with Eric but I cant be positive) is still accepting the %10 discount with being a club sponsor. Keep in mind you complain about a slow forum but the forum is only what the members make of it......I'm doing nothing but putting a huge amount of my time and energy into trying to keep this club going with new contests, workshops, even firing up a 6ft 125gal dedicated club tank (which I donated the tank BTW) only to have it fall on either deaf ears or get complaints about how people dont like what i'm doing (with the occasional supporter, which I certainly appreciate and you know who you are) if you dont like the way the club is run do this. Start your own or run for BOD in may of 2012.

Here's a direct copy of the original thread I posted back 10/7.

Hey everybody! its me again

Well as many of your know, every year we have the annual bob moore frag swap. Well this year due to its size I would like to start advertising it in about December. SO, what that means is we are going to need a flyer. So get your photoshop, lightroom whatever your post processing program might be. And lets see what we can come up with for a flyer! Also if anyone has the ability to get printing on the cheap let me know as I would like to print out a large quantity of these (1000-1500). As you can notice its only oct 7th. Which i'm giving ALLOT of time for people to come up with their entries. Here's the rules......

You must be an up to date card carrying member at time of entry to participate
Only 2 entries allowed per person
All entries must be submitted by 11/23/11
All entries must be able to be printed on a "flyer" size card (IIRC its 5"x7")

The day following the end of submissions A poll will be held to see who's flyer you all feel is best!

A couple things I will be working on while you all are working on the flyers
A final list of vendors to come to the show
Exact time to have for the show
A prize for this contest (i'll make it a good one! promise!)

Allright, Now get to work
the forum being slow isn't your fault, I like the idea of posting things like this in other larger forums to help with traffic,
what I'm actually complaining about is the fact that you posted what is effectively a "dead" link, this will do nothing to help traffic to the site, let alone membership.

I have been reading about many of the things you have been doing to help keep the club going, and I see that you are putting in alot of work (Time ain't cheep)
Contests, Workshops, and the "club tank" are all really cool. I really wish I could take advantage of some of these things.

I'm not saying that I don't like the way the club is being run (unfortunately, I can't make any meetings due to my sked) it truely seems as tho you have been putting in effort.
Here's a direct copy of the original thread I posted back 10/7.

Hey everybody! its me again

Well as many of your know, every year we have the annual bob moore frag swap. Well this year due to its size I would like to start advertising it in about December. SO, what that means is we are going to need a flyer. So get your photoshop, lightroom whatever your post processing program might be. And lets see what we can come up with for a flyer! Also if anyone has the ability to get printing on the cheap let me know as I would like to print out a large quantity of these (1000-1500). As you can notice its only oct 7th. Which i'm giving ALLOT of time for people to come up with their entries. Here's the rules......

You must be an up to date card carrying member at time of entry to participate
Only 2 entries allowed per person
All entries must be submitted by 11/23/11
All entries must be able to be printed on a "flyer" size card (IIRC its 5"x7")

The day following the end of submissions A poll will be held to see who's flyer you all feel is best!

A couple things I will be working on while you all are working on the flyers
A final list of vendors to come to the show
Exact time to have for the show
A prize for this contest (i'll make it a good one! promise!)

Allright, Now get to work

perfect example of some of the effort being put in (and forthought too)
ok I know I haven't gotten a picture posted but whats the deal. Not even so much as the slightest interest in getting a very nice, expensive coral for minimal work....
I would love to put a flyer together but I dont have the software to do it. I'll see what I can do.
We don't have the software either and if we did we have no idea how to use it.

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Maybe it's the whole, "gotta pay to play" that limiting involvement. Who knows. I've been surprised at the lack of participation, as well, in both the first attempted thread and this one. PSAS, your club needs your help and you're being offered a great incentive!

honestly, if thats the reason why folks aren't participating thats BS. The minuscule amount that the membership to this club costs VASTLY pays for itself without even trying....

I guess all i can do is keep trying to get interest.

Tecnomage and EWW: I've got one submission so far that was done in MS paint, you don't need any fancy program like photoshop to come up with a flyer. On top of that, there's no need to be Vango with the flyer just come up with what you think looks good.
Ok, I now have a complete Front and back submission for the flyer contest. I'm giving everyone 10DAYS to get their submissions in for this contest, at the end of that time if there is still only one submission then the prize will go to that person. If there is more than one there will be a vote held afterwards.

Awesome! At least getting a lively discussion going may have resulted in at least 1 submission. 10 days huh? With this being my last week of school, for this quarter, this week is NUTS. However, I might try to fiddle around and see what I can come up with. Of course, I'd need to renew my membership, beforehand.