Lighting question

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Reef Newbie (SOS PLEASE!)
Jul 9, 2009
Beaverton, OR
So after asking a lot of questions from the previous owner of my tank, I'm almost ready to fill my 250 Gallon tank with the water. After buying some new filters for the tank, getting new sand, new rock, etc. it was a pretty hard hit on my wallet to say the least. Thank goodness my wife never found out how much I had to spend so far :eek: and I still need to buy the salt and lighting!

So here is my question. While talking to the local pet shop store where I bought my stand, he recommended I get a T-5 or metal halide lighting system to satisfy the entire range of corals I might want to have in my tank. Since my tank is roughly 6 feet long and 2 feet wide and 2.5-3 feet deep, the prices for the lighting made my hair go white! He was quoting $800 for the T-5 and ~$1500 for the metal halide. Although the metal halide looked nice, that price was waaaaaaay out of my price range. That leaves the T-5 (unless somebody knows where I can get a used/new metal halide for roughly the same price or cheaper) which is still kind of spendy. So here is my questions:

Does that price seem right to most people?
Can somebody give me some ideas of what brands to stay away from and what are considered dependable brands?
What is a good place to buy such equipment that offers the best prices?
Does anybody know where I could find a used one for a reasonable price??
What sort of specs questions should I be quoting when trying to purchase the lighting?(all the different types of lights are starting to make my head go dizzy)
How do I pay for this without having to either sell blood and bodily organs(anybody need a extra kidney? LOL) or raid my kids college fund???::lol: j/k

Thanks for any help
If you're buying new stuff then yeah, those prices sound about right. You can probably find a Odyssea fixture for half that, but you will want to invest in some decent ballast's and just keep the stock ones as spares so you can figure adding about 200-300 right there.
If it were me I would keep an eye out for a good used light set up that meets your needs. There are always tons of deals in the Equpment For Sale Forum.
That price seems high for the halides.
120x3 for reflectors (GOOD ONES) = 360 [lumenbrights]
130x3 for ballasts (store in spokane right now 250w Icecaps for like 80$) =390
[dual 250w is only 250]
60x3 for bulbs if you go all single ended.. =180 [you can get cheeper bulbs also depends on the brand you get]
this is all top of the line and brand new stuff.
the reflector and bulb price wont change much for 400w only the baallasts..
Shop around you'll find some good deals.

so thats like 900 -1000 for the entire MH setup if you buy all new.
you can add actanics later your tank doesn't have to have them to survive.

go look at "customaquatics" and you'll get a better idea.
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That price seems high for the halides.
120x3 for reflectors (GOOD ONES) = 360 [lumenbrights]
130x3 for ballasts (store in spokane right now 250w Icecaps for like 80$) =390
[dual 250w is only 250]
60x3 for bulbs if you go all single ended.. =180 [you can get cheeper bulbs also depends on the brand you get]
this is all top of the line and brand new stuff.
the reflector and bulb price wont change much for 400w only the baallasts..
Shop around you'll find some good deals.

so thats like 900 -1000 for the entire MH setup if you buy all new.
you can add actanics later your tank doesn't have to have them to survive.

go look at "customaquatics" and you'll get a better idea.

So how many watts should I get?
that deep of tank go with 400's that is a tough one..
I had my tank made only 20" deep for that reason (and I have little tyrannosaurus Rex arms)

You could prolly do the three single ended bulbs with good reflectors and good ballasts for 1000 out the door..
Do you have an enclosed naopy and how tall is it? With your tank 3' deep you would want to go with 400w halides if you plan on having SPS and clams. If not I think you can get away with 250s. just keep your light loving creatures on the top water colunm and work your way down with creatures that like less lighting. If you are going all new It will run you about $900-$1000 with bulbs. It is nice to support your LFS but to lighten the blow on your wallet get your stuff online. you will save ton of money. Another option is if you are patient enough you can find some great deals on some nice used stuff. Lighting is one of the easiest things to find use. So I say be patient and save some money.
If you're buying new stuff then yeah, those prices sound about right. You can probably find a Odyssea fixture for half that, but you will want to invest in some decent ballast's and just keep the stock ones as spares so you can figure adding about 200-300 right there.
If it were me I would keep an eye out for a good used light set up that meets your needs. There are always tons of deals in the Equpment For Sale Forum.

Oddysea is 1/2 that. And is getting good reviews - the new stuff.
Would any of you recommend buying two 36" lights as opposed to getting one big 72" light? I'm looking at the prices at and don't see a 72" lighting system. Plus the 36" ones only max at at around ~160W.

Or should I shell out for the metal halide ones there that are 72" but put out 1134W. Would that fry everything in my tank though? I thought I should be looking for 400W??:confused:
Would any of you recommend buying two 36" lights as opposed to getting one big 72" light? I'm looking at the prices at and don't see a 72" lighting system. Plus the 36" ones only max at at around ~160W.

Or should I shell out for the metal halide ones there that are 72" but put out 1134W. Would that fry everything in my tank though? I thought I should be looking for 400W??:confused:

Not if your tank is 72" long ... :confused:


For your size and depth You have room for allot of corals!

Do you have a canopy?

Are you O.K. Hanging pendants ?

Do you want to be able to get almolst any kind of coral Then Halides.(250 Watt DE or 400 SE)

Do you like LPS and Softies Then T-5's (lots)

I see you are new ( at least at posting on this site) Have you looked into the cost of a decent skimmer?

You see allot of us buy what we can get buy with spending only to replace it within 1 year.

Allot get frustrated with no real sucess and give up within 2-3 Years.

Then You might decide to upgrade and try selling your used stuff only to realize what you bought may not be what others want --so it's value like an old used car is not that much.

Not to sound negative BUT You should consider all costs--This gets as expensive as buying a motorcycle it's a serious (addiction)/hobby :)

MyteeMouse quoted some prices that are probably the best deals without tax or shipping. You Might be able to get sompthing close to that BUT remember.

Light bulbs cost say approx $60-$110 before tax and shipping depending on manufacturer and type and color temperature. They also Only Last 9 Months to 1 Year.

Even the BEST local store will Advise One brand of bulb---Then turn around themselves and Replace them with Different Bulbs- 1 year later !

Allot of us buy them don't like the color then Buy another and sell the ones we did not like as used for 1/2 Price.

It's really a good Idea for you to join a Local club in oregon !!!!

I only know that the store WAVES in portland could tell you there website and how to meet them.

This way you can See how a few different people plumb things there different lights etc.

Wait untill you have seen at least 3 reef tanks in 3 different houses Preferably with diffferent lights and Talked to 5 or 6 people about light intensity and PAR and Color Temp's

You Will Spend Allot so Take your Time See what Good brands you Like and Scour the Used equipment ads AFTER you know the different brands.

You could end up getting good used electronic ballasts and pendants with used bulbs. Then buy some new bulbs.

But you Really should LOOK more at different stores and owners tanks and lights to get an idea for what you want.


So a few additional questions then.

What are pendents?
And why do I usually need to replace the balasts in the lights after I get them?
So a few additional questions then.

What are pendents?
And why do I usually need to replace the balasts in the lights after I get them?

Pendants are lights that are suspended over your tank using cable or wire like this:
Thanks for the answer to the pendents.

So on to the second question, are the stock ballasts included in the light systems pieces of junk?
"So on to the second question, are the stock ballasts included in the light systems pieces of junk?"

Not necessarily--- I belive I said---

"You could end up getting good used electronic ballasts and pendants with used bulbs. Then buy some new bulbs."

That would be because the BULBS, not the ballasts, when sold used are usually at the end of there 1 year or less lifespan.

Is this what you were wondering about ??

Good questions !!


When I buy a new lighting system, do they usually come with some initial bulbs?

They may or may not. Depends on what you get and where you get it from.

What are you thinking of getting?
thats a pretty good deal.

You know you could buy three of my reflectors for $150 then buy some ballast and bulbs.

My Reflectors $150,3 250w Ballasts $250 (thats what i paid for 3 brand new coralvue ones)Then 3 bulbs at $100 each.what is that like $700