Little bit of a bad day!

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Well I have noticed one of my clowns has a parasite. I have identified it as Ich. Not so bad I have dealth with it before in Freshwater. The bad part is I was setting up my QT and guess what happened.

Thats right! My 20g tank smashed to little pieces. The metal stand for what ever reason buckled and folded up toppling my tank to the floor. Good thing the fish wasn't in it. Well, now I have to wait 2 days to buy another one. Thats most likely only going to be a dang 10g.

The worst part is the clown isn't eating at all! This one is the bigger of the 2 and is usaully a pig. I mean I couldn't get the food out of my fingers fast enough, I'd get nipped all the time lol. I hope I don't lose it. My Oldest daughter will be so upset.
Detri - any chance of getting a rubbermaid container for the time being until you can get a new glass QT? It might help to get the fish isolated. You won't be able to observe the fish as well as you can with a glass tank, but if you are looking to get the fish out, it might do the trick.
Detri said:
The worst part is the clown isn't eating at all! This one is the bigger of the 2 and is usaully a pig. I mean I couldn't get the food out of my fingers fast enough, I'd get nipped all the time lol. I hope I don't lose it. My Oldest daughter will be so upset.
Try foods that are enriched with Vitamin B12 or simpley get some in pill form from the local drug store. Crush a pill and add a small bit to the food when soaked and another wee bit to the tank itself. You'll be suprised what it can do for loss of appetite.

How long have you had the clowns and what was the last item added to the tank/how long ago?

ohh Detri, i just wanted to say that i'm sorry your are going through this :( .
i'd do what Nikki says about your quarantine tank or if you have a friend around that could borrow you his quarantine i think it'd be good.
Acutally I couldn't find a a container big enough around here. I am getting Tara to pick one up tonight. I would do it myself but I have to go to work in a few hours. Thanks Nikki and Gabby!

Well I add garlic to my food every otherday. Today was the otherday day. No luck. I will also get Tara to pick up some Vitamin B12 tonight to. Thanks Steve and Ed!!

My smaller clown is eating well. The cute thing about it is the smaller one won't leave the bigger ones side, rubbing against it and making it swim higher in the tank. The only recent addition to the tank is a Peppermint shrimp, Button poylps, Mushroom and Star Polyps. The coral are very small. 5 mushroom in total and 3 tiny tiny tiny star Polyps and 2 small frags of Button polyps.
Oh and I have only had them for 4 months now. They are very young, not even 1 1/2" in length including tail.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck you are experiencing Detri. We all experience it one way or the other. Atleast your main tank didn't buckle on you. That's the problem with metal stands though...They are strong, but when exposed to water they rust and break under pressure. Also, you tend to get stand that wasn't welded together properly which makes them fragile. I hope your little clown comes around. First the rock, now your clown. Hopefully that will be the end of the bad luck streak for you...
A new rubbermaid container will work and is cheaper than a 10 gallon tank bigger and can be used later for laundry :) and can be fairly easy to get also try feeding zooplankton from sweetwater it comes in a small glass bottle and has saltwater and freshwater you want the saltwater label on top/sides says type salt or fresh otherwise it's identical and hard to tell the difference if not that just try different foods you may have like formula one pellets or cylopeeze or mysis shrimp or ?
Well the fish ate this morning. So far so good. It is swimming around a bit more aswell. Now that it is eating time to slowly drop the Salinity of the QT. I am going to try a non medication approach first. I have the meds, but I am hoping with my 2 fish in the QT it will kill off the parasites for me.
For future reference, hypo conditions can aid with finicky eaters as well. Once it's been established what your treating and hypo is the best course of action, don't wait. The reduced salinity eases stress and uses up less of the fishs' energy, the fish does not have to work as hard to maintain osmotic balance.

Detri - I don't know if you've followed this thread at all, but it is good for what types of things to expect with hyposalinity conditions: Fish Moving Time Please. Do you have a refractometer?
Yes I read that thread, thanks Nikki. Infact thats where I learned about the process. No sorry don't have a refractometer :( I use a hydrometer. The samples I have taken into my LFS have been within .002 of what my hydrometer has read. I am saving for a bunch of things. Unfortunately that has moved down to number 3 on my list.
Is there anyone you can borrow one from for the length of the treatment? My concern is trying to attain proper hypo condition without one. I suppose you could take samples into the LFS to check it.

Good Luck, and let us know how the treatment goes! These two clowns are the only fish in the tank?
Yes, only the 2 I have right now. Won't be getting any for a while it seems. Do snails get infected?

Unfortunately not. I may buy a refactometer tomorrow though. Its a tough call. Holidays are close and my kids need goodies :)
I just checked on the fish :( it is really stressed out! The gills are moving very rapidly. I wish I could see it better. Unfortunately I have to wait until tomorrow for the new tank.
She is laying on the bottom right now. I have a feeling she won't make it through the night. If she doesn't I am going to have to be the first to see her. To get her out, before my daughter see's. I have my fingers crossed. Maybe, being in the QT a second night will make a diffrence. I don't do another water change till tomorrow morning.