Little bit of a bad day!

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ohh boy i wish i could tell you that its gonna be fine :( and i really really hope she makes it.
I don't really know if there's any meds that you could give her or something like that, but i know for sure Elmo could may be give you a tip on something you could do hmm.. i don't know dood i've been there and its really horrible :(.
I'll cross my fingers for you dood
Don't wait on doing water changes. If it's neded, don't hesitate. Your main concerns for a QT being water quality, NH3, NO2 and NO3 should be tested at least daily, especially the ammonia. The "must watch" items for hyposalinity are ph, alk and obviously the salinity itself. While dropping the salinity for the hypo treatment, pH will naturally fall due to the diluted chemistry of the water. It is paramount the pH is monitored several times a day. I would suggest testing all of these ASAP if you haven't already today.

As far as your hydrometer, I agree with Nikki, try and borrow one if you can. If not, target 1.009 (12 ppt) on the hydrometer and get the LFS to recheck the accuracey if possible.

Ok NH3 0, NO2 0, NO3 below 10, I have to pick up a better test kit tomorrow for NO3. I just finished 2 water changes in 2.5 hours. Salinity is around 1.018-1.019 for now. I may do another one in 3 hours, unless you advise not to. PH now 6 from 7.9 ALK is 3.5, Not sure what it was before just got the kit. But I was in a rush and forgot the buffer....grrr...Heading in early in the morning anyway. The wife says I can get a Refractor. She had to read the thread herself before she would agree hehe.

*edit, ALK is 3.5 not 5 lol sorry*
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By the way Steve, thank you very much for all your info. I really do appreciate it. She is resting mid tank right now. I think its more because I have kept her excited. (damn didn't want to assume the bigger fish was a she yet. still a little young, but I am attached and you all are doin it hehe) So I am staying up for another few hours to keep an eye on her.
Getting Kent Super Buffer DKH in the morning, like you suggested in Fish moving time Please! thread. And its fallen sorry about that My bad.

I have a little bit of a headache and a little sleepy LOL
Sorry I didn't respond lastnight. But, we lost her around 2 am. I had raised the PH to 8.2, after I left my last message. It is stable right now almost 12 hours later. I did a 10% water change this morning. the Salinity is at 1.017 right now. Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Nitrate below 10. I am switching to 12 hour changes since my remaining clown isn't in distress.

Thanks for the Baking soda reminder Nikki. Steve I bought Kent super buffer DKH this morning. I'm not comfortable using baking soda. I don't know enough about buffers yet.

Thanks both of you. I will get picks of my QT tonight post them.
sorry for such a bad experience, it hurts to loose anything we keep, I hope your water gets better & the rest do well, keep us posted.
Sorry to hear about the loss! Keep us updated on the remaining fish in QT, and how the hyposalinity works out for you.
Sorry to hear about your loss Detri. I missed half of this thread by not being able to be online because of work and no computer. Sorry bud...
Sorry to hear on the loss, tough I know. On the baking soda, it can be a decent alternative but remember it needs to be baked before use to blow off excess CO2. Otherwise it will only increase alk and do nothing for pH.

I would continue to drop the salinity and continue the treatment. If the clown truely had C. irritans, it won't be long before the other is affected.

Have there been any additional symptoms?

Thanks everyone, I think I was more upset when my daughter asked about it and had to explain to her. She still asks about our dog. My wife said she cried a little and asked if we can get another one. Samantha (my daughter) wants a small tank in her room. I was thinking maybe I'd set up a freshwater tank in there. I told her she had to learn about the tank we have before I would do it. She is only 5 so I don't expect her to know to much though :) She corrects everyone at the fish store that call the clowns their Nemo though, its pretty cute.

Steve, yes I could see them on him. He had them mostly on or around his eyes. Drove him nuts. I finished a water change the water is down to 1.014. Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0, Nitrates below 10. ( when I say below 10 my test kit doesn't give exact, it just has a color table, and the water seems clear compared to the table, no tint at all. The LFS says its 0 ) PH 8.3...I'll check that in an hour or so to make sure. He is eating really well from what my wife told me.

As for the baking soda I used last night, I went by that recipe on the link in this thread. But I'm still not to comfy useing it.

And I am to tired to post pics right now. I'll try and get some in the morning.

Thank you so much all of you. The pair is and was my favorite fish I have ever owned. They have the best personality I have ever seen in a fish. I am looking forward to getting another one.
Detri said:
Samantha (my daughter) wants a small tank in her room. I was thinking maybe I'd set up a freshwater tank in there. I told her she had to learn about the tank we have before I would do it. She is only 5 so I don't expect her to know to much though :) She corrects everyone at the fish store that call the clowns their Nemo though, its pretty cute.

My daughter just turned 4, and I have a 12 gallon nano cube set-up for her. She loves it. Her fighting conch died the other day, she said she was sad, but was glad to know there are other fighting conchs out there. I guess she didn't realize we could drive 3 miles to Premium Aquatics and pick up a new one :). Her tank is a lot of fun, softies and a couple LPS, with one bi-color blenny (banished from my tank for eating SPS). She knows what everything is in there for the most part. All the inhabitants (conch, few snails, emerald crab, and fish, have Disney Princess names....even though the fish was called Humphrey prior to going in her tank). Oh, and at 3 years old, she would correct all the kids at the Children's Museum that they were clownfish, not Nemos. Too adorable.
haha thats cute. I would set up a Nano reef. But I don't even have all the rock I want for my tank. I would be jealous if I finished her tank before mine LOL. And I'd have to finish hers before mine, well, because she is my daughter and she comes before me....For now :D
Ok this morning, I have done another water change. Salinity is 1.012. So I think thats where I will stop. PH is 8.0 right now will check again in an hour. The clown seems very happy at this time. No sign of parisites on him. So far. So I am starting my 6 week count down from tomorrow. I want to give it another 24 hours to make sure the Parametrs are stable. I may add a couple more Ocellaris to the QT in about 4 weeks from now. This way they can be added to my main tank with the current one. I have made a decission to make this a LPS and Clown Tank. Should be fun!
You will want any new additions to be in the QT for as long as the current fish. If you introduce new fish, then your quarantine period will start over for the current fish.
Ok maybe I can convince Tara she needs to get more now, the current one will die of lonelyness if we don't. Thank that will work? Naw she is to smart for that :(
well dood i'm glad your water parameters are getting better :) .
Nikki, you have cute little girl :) .
Detri you can give it a try by telling her, the clown feels lonely :) and i think your tank is gonna be awesome, mine right now is a softie tank but i'm starting to change my mind and i might turn it into an lps tank.
ohh and may be later you wanna keep a 6 line wrass dood in case you have any bad worms in the future :)