little giant water pump

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
I was thinking about getting the little giant water pump. What do you guys think about this pump? Any pros or cons that i should know about?
The onlt thing I have ever heard anyone say bad about them is that they get warm and raise the tank temp a little bit !


PM me, I have a distibutor friend with that brand in his line up. Let me know which one and I'll get you his price.
One note is you do have to add oil to them at least once every 6 months or they will seize up..... Mine did when I didn't oil it for a year :) Guess neglect costs! :lol:
I had a buddy that had 3 running his tank for 15+ years. He only oiled them 1 x per year! Heck the vinyl tubing cracked and wore out before his LG pumps did! Having said that, there are better pumps out there that don't run as hot and draw less watts vs. flow.