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Another thought I just had was maybe putting a piece of wood with the same formica as your stand across the back and keeping the sump behind there if there is space. I guess the only downfall there would be getting to it if you need to clean or service anything...Maybe a removeable back or something. Just a thought...May not be wise (LOL)

Oh BTW, it looks like we have the same lights! Cool....
Krish - Went out of town for a few days for work. Back in the saddle now.

I have not decided on the background. I could try that. I would be concerned about access issues etc, as you mention.

A buddy of mine is an expert with woodworking. He suggested we build some sort of end table, place it next to my couch, with an internal compartment / cabinet for the 35 gal and a little extra space to grow with. We would try and make it look like the tank stand, black formica, etc... Then I could run the plumbing, etc along the back wall or something.

Anyway, the 18 remaining crabs and snails seem to be doing great. The mushrooms that hitchhiked on the live rock look good too, one of them actually split in two and half moved away onto a different spot. Fun to watch this stuff. I have had the tank online for exactly 5 weeks today.

As always the help is greatly appreciated.

Thats great! It really does look good. Having the mushrooms will be a great start to! In those alone there is a ton you can learn. All I know is I am haveing fun with mine.
Thanks Detri. Yeah, when I found those mushrooms I took pictures of them and went down to LFS. He sold me "DT's Live Marine Phytoplankton" to feed them. But, I have not been feeding them very much (once a week) based on what I have read out there. Sounds like they can get a lot of nutrition from the light and the micro life? in the water. I have found three so far and one split, so now I have four! Too cool, especially since my LFS said they usually sell these small mushrooms for around $30-40 each! YeeeHaaaww!

This live rock is really interesting stuff. I can't believe how different it all looks just in the 5 weeks. There is a lot of colorful and neat stuff growing and coming to life. I think there may be some small red coral growing (1mm tall), real tiny so I can't tell, not that I would know anyway.

I am in the process of moving my whole structure back; but, not right up against the glass. I am also going to get some additional powerheads in there as it sounds like my flow is probably pretty low for this system. I will get some more photos up when I'm done.

Let me know about your DIY Sump/Refugium plans, if you get a chance. Krish has me thinking about these things...

I wondered where you went(LOL) Glad you're back. That idea about a seperate cabinet sounds like the ticket. I just picked up my light for my sump/fuge a few minutes ago and have a piece of clear acrylic being cut as we speak to replace the existing black cover on the sump.

As for your rock, you just wait a few more weeks when the coraline really takes off. Then you'll see some amazing colors! Glad your back...I'll be looking forward to your posts!
I suggest pre-mixing your water at all times. Make sure the temperature and salinity are where you need them to be, before using the water.
As far as raising the salinity in the existing tank, I would do it slowly through partial water changes, (no more than 25% at a time). Most corals do better at slightly higher salinity (1.023-1.025), where most fish only tanks do better at slightly lower salinities (1.019-1.022).
Increasing water flow is an excellent idea. The SEIO powerheads are pretty cool, and two 1100's would make up for about four similar powerheads.
Krish - I got Shang'hai'd <sp?> by one of my clients and had to get to Las Vegas for a few days. His boss came in from UK and the wanted a tour of some call centers and some demos of some IVR software I have written. Then we went out, for two days. LOL, I am still recovering.

Yeah, I liked that cabinet/end-table idea. I just need to make sure I have my friend do the majority of that. Mine would probably come out looking in between a dog house and shop table. A carpenter I am not. Krish - what kind of powerheads are you using. I really like the look. Like something out of Star Wars or The Abyss. Pretty cool.

Afishyonados - thanks for the advice. I did bring it up to 1.020 before I left. The clean-up crew seems ok; but, in the future I will premix. I want a soft/leather reef with a small number of compatible fish to start. So, I should probably change some more water and start working it up closer to 1.023.

I will check out those SEIO powerheads.

Thanks gang!
They are Seio's (M820's) 820 gph each and are relatively cheap in camparison to the others. Depending on how my rock layout looks after I add the final pieces of rocks, will determine if i'll add 2 more or go closed loop. I think you'll love the seio's as they have a gentle wide current that doesn't just dominate what they are pointing at.
Krish - I found the 820 on E-Bay for $40 plus $10 shipping. I also found the 1100 for $54. That is significantly cheaper than the LFS. To get close to some of the numbers you suggested before, maybe I need two of the
1100's? Also, what do you mean by closed loop?

Alas, you have touched upon a sore subject. "...cheaper than the LFS."
I won't bore you with my sob stories, only suggest support the LFS' that are worth supporting in any way you can, lest they not be there when you really need them. Will Drs. Foster and Smith come over to your house at 3am to help when all Hades breaks loose?
I apologize, I digress...
Did you know I can buy product online cheaper than I can even buy it from my distributors? What's a brother supposed to do?
My cost on the 1100's is $44 before shipping and handling! Boo hoo!
afishyonados - I agree, I very much like to support local businesses and local vendors, for anything I engage in, whenever possible. So far, I have spent approx. $2,300 with my LFS since mid Sept. Doing what I can for the LFS.

Dr. Foster and Smith will not be at the door; although, I highly doubt my local guy would be either without a fee on par with Electricians and Plumbers or a Vet. My LFS does not even guarantee their sales for the ride home, Foster and Smith will at least give you the 14 day.

I just want to save a few bucks here and there when I can. If I get the enjoyment and long term experience that it sounds like so many others have received with a committment to this hobby, then I am postive that my LFS has not seen the last of me, we are just getting started. I have made some pretty good contacts down there and will keep supporting them as much possible.
I wouldn't worry where you buy your stuff. Your LFS is going to have stuff you want and you will buy it thier because it is less hassle. I totally agree that we need to support our LFS. As you are doing. When you look at prices in a "store" they need to account for overhead, which online sellers don't need to worry about that. I know people want to make money but out right knocking the LFS out of sales is a bad thing all around. People depend on those jobs. The ownwers depend on the sales.

Then again, if all the LFS's in the area would stop squabling and create a buying group. They could buy larger quantities for less cost and sell for more competitive rates. That doesn't mean they can't make there own deals to create more sales. It would just help them all as a whole.
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Detri, they call that price fixing and it is as illegal as a monopoly. But it is a very good idea, nonetheless. The only problem with that line of thinking is that the competition is too nasty around here. Not outwardly and obvious, but festering under the surface.
71lockard, it was not an attack, I assure you. If you were anywhere around my hometown, I would be more than happy to help, free of charge! I understand the need to charge sometimes, but not during an emergency!
No worries, did not consider it an attack, just wanted to fill you in on my situation. I wish we had more options here, the next major area would be Sacramento, a 2 hour drive. Not that bad, but I buy livestock there, I would have some transportation logistics to figure out. Sounds like your running a very honest shop. Glad to hear it!
Not sure how that works here in Canada but I would imagine that the laws are simular. Compitition is a good thing. Its just sad to see the people that have invested alot in the business lose out because someone finds an easier way to get them cheaper, whether Illegal or not.

We used to use a buying group for all our floorng materials. Although there wasn't a major diffrence in price between us, we just wanted to buy it at lower prices. We all still bid on the same jobs.

Anyway, Back to topic :D

I'll keep you posted as to how everything turns out with the sump. But check out this link, great stuff.
You guys are funny(LOL) Atleast you don't have to pay 57% customs duty on the stuff like I do here in the Bahamas to bring it inplus shipping(LOL)

Tony a closed loop is a little different than using powerheads. It does the same job, but you usually use external pumps which are out of sight. You mostly see closed loop setups on acrylic tanks where they have holes drilled where water is sucked from the tank into a pump and back into the tank through other holes or over the top through nozzles. With glass setups like ours that can't be drilled it's a little different as the water has to be sucked over the top of the tank and returned also back into the tank over the top also (I hope that made sense LOL) Here is an example of one that a lot of people refer to The advantage of closed loops are for (1), you don't have any pumps taking up space in the tank, (2) Less heat produced from an external pump than a pump/powerhead sitting in water and (3) With an external pump you can branch off the return into multiple outputs whereas a powerhead you only have one...
LOL - yes we did get off on a tangent there, didn't we. Sounds like a pain in the rear for you Krish!

I decided to leave everything alone for now. I am really nervous about crushing a snail or crab if I try and re-aquascape the tank. I think I will just add some pieces of LR here and there as I pick-up more stuff and can reposition things a little at a time. I did order the 1100's, that should significantly increase my flow.

Anyway, thanks for the info. I have much to learn, going to Barnes & Noble on my way home to grab some additional documentation. I want to read as much as time allows, get more up to speed here.

Thanks again!
Hi Krish - hope you had a good Turkey Day. I am still eating...

I cancelled my order on those. I wanted to wait and see what I do with the sump/fuge setup I bought. I have it now. I am trying to think of the best plumbing system. I was going to go skimmer > fuge > return. One of the end chambers on the sump tank has a smal piece of acyrilic going over the top w/ a hole in it, does not cover the whole top. It that where the water should enter the system? And the protien skimmer pump would be in that chamber? It is the hang-on type.

I think I can get away with putting the sump underneath my tank, it will be visible, but the skimmer would be behind the stand and the fuge might be cool to look at. My buddy is going to take forever to build something to put it in. I can always move it if I need to...

Anyway, I hope all is well. How are your clowns? I have been looking into getting a background like you did. I like that look. Are you ready to add more to the system yet?