long tent anemone wont burrow

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2008
my anemone ive only had about 7 days won't attach to anything, ive read the long tentacle's like to get into the sand but he isn't seeming to do it. i'm not sure what the deal is my parameters are fine and all my other corals were always fine. ive taken a lot of mushroom type's out because i've read of biological warfare between em...

is there any tips u guys know? i wanna pin it against the glass with a rock but i dont wanna damage him. he was under only like 50 watts for the first week but i now got him under 250 watt 10k so maybe thatll help...

i dont want him to die does anyone know what the deal is? he seems to be eating mysis shrimp fine should i feed him somethin else?
I have found my LTA prefers a spot that allows him to stick his foot under the rock in deep sand. The spot also needs moderate flow and good light. If any of those are missing he will roam, but if I set up those conditions where I want him to be I can guide him towards the spot hold him there for a minute and he will grab hold and stay. But changing the flow even slightly will sometimes make him roam. I think they are very picky about the right spot.

I hope you have your intakes well protected, LTAs are notorious for roaming and mine has suffered more than one haircut from a powerhead.

Good luck!
try larger shrimp. decent raw shrimp from the grocery store.

LTAs as stated like to roam. Mine is one the few that rarely moves, but that is because it is under 1000W lamps. Mine also attaches to the underside of a rock.
that's common. I peeled mine out of a powerhead one time too. It survived and never went near them again.
man ive been trying everything i left him alone for a few days and he just ends up sitting sideways in a little cove...i buried his leg against a corner and after lights go out he leaves, starting to piss me off but hes so cool looking i cant get rid of him...hes under 250watt 10k halide is there a specific color they like?
I would just not worry about it. it will find a place to hang out. have you given it any small pieces of raw shrimp yet?
no i think it has been eating alright i blast mysis around its mouth with a baster but maybe ill pick some shrimp up so do i deshell and rinse and that is it?
I would doubt mysis is enough but I could be wrong. just take off the shell and use a tongs. if they are large shrimp, you might cut it up a bit, and beware that you may have to defend it until it gets the shrimp into its mouth.
I met a guy that would place them in appropriately sized pvc non-threaded end cap. He said since the end cap was smooth inside the LTA's took to it quckly and woulnd't ever move. For the bigger ones he would add a lenth of short pipe to mimic a cave and place it in the rock work.

Just an Idea............

I first nugged mine into place by creating a cliff and a hole in a rock near the top.
Once slowly/jently shoved there it anchored and never left.

Before this it did dumb things like hang out Underneath a ledge where it would get little to no light which was bad and it did not want to move on it's own soooo ----- Out came the gloves and a cement drill bit to make a live rock anchor hole.

I still have this anenome many years later :)

mine liked burrowing himself face first into a power head :(

that's common. I peeled mine out of a powerhead one time too. It survived and never went near them again.

sounds like my dog this weekend,

we rented a boat,
he did a nose dive out of the bow (going about 35mph)
after we got him back in the boat,
he stayed away from the edges (for a few hours) :rolleyes: