Looking into now to when I might get this done, finally!

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
OK, Now the way this is, is that im in no hurry to buy some lens for my camera. That I found a store out here that rents camera parts or whole camera sets. The lens I will be buying, cost $1400, and I cannot do all the things in which I need to do right now. Like at the doctors and this, upgrading currents on two or three outlets.

The thing here be, we all mostly get 15 amps on one electrical line in our homes, and the larger reef tank just for the lights are somewhere at 10 amps. And I the 180 with two chillers here that when they kick up, they take some 8 amps just on one chiller.

So, tomorrow sometime, right after lunch I a electric contractor coming out here to view the job and will hear what he suggests on it. For my next doctor cost is not until at the end of April. Also, if I can get this done in some amount of time, Fish World will finish up the tanks and Jeff will allow me to run a bill, he knows that im going nowhere.

These reef tanks will both have 250 watt MH with some other lights as well, and the 240 will also in the sump run some micro algae. I still however, the plan for a house generator, a huge one, but that im afraid is now on a longer hold then at first thought. I not want to worry when the power goes out for any long period of time, short periods is not a problem and right now, I use generators and later im too buy another that generates 15,000 watts. So, tomorrow will tell the story, if the waiting will come to an end sometime soon for I`ve already been waiting for more then 5.5 years.

I'm in no fire hurry to stock these tanks until everything has been completed and then I will start running some lights on the tanks to get a little algae going for the number of hermits and snails i`ll be getting. And if these tanks were ready right now, out at fish world is a very large piece of trumpet coral for $199.99, and it is "Beautiful."

Along with the rental of that lens in early June, I will be getting me two extra 2 GB cards and batteries and with those, I will be able to take more then 1500 pictures at the dance residle, and will again be using no flash.
I know that many not had understood much of what I was saying. So maybe this will enlighten you all on what I have been looking to do> The electrician will put in two boxes, one behind each reef tank with two lines of 20 amps each. That means that I will have with both outlets, 80 amps in all. The electrician will do the job tomorrow :D
One 20 amp line is enough to easily run most peoples systems with several halides, vho's chillers, cls pumps etc.
I not know of the full statistics of both reef tanks, but the 240, what little I do know of is that the lights alone on it is near to 10 amps and the chillers be with a 8 amp each time they kick on. Also that in all, later once the reef tanks themselves are completed in live stock, the QT, a 40 will be changed into a reef tank for frags cuts and as well, a small chiller will also be added to the tank in which when that time comes, will have four chillers running in all.
IMO even if a tank will run on a single 20, most 100+ will not. The system should be split. If you trip one breaker the other will kepp the tank alive. Just takes some planning.

My 525 has 3-30amp circuits ran for it. Never really sat down and figured how much I needed. I just wanted to make sure I had more than I could use.
Well, Monday the 19th, this day the electrical work was done, and being that this house is one of the first three houses build in this area of Hillsborough NC, that the wall isn't centered as it should be. For the helper for the electrician also had no idea of this, being of his fewer years of experience on the job.

The electrician has not accepted my check, due too that a mistake happened, that the wall is off normally from the position that it should be. That his helper was drilling from under the crawl space and not could see that the holes were being made some 20" away from the wall other then inside the wall space.

So for now, he will not accept any check from me, I even offered him just for the time being, a $400 check until I can see what the holes will take to make it look as if nothing ever happen. I called right away a floor repair place that is right near where the old Durham bulls stadium use to be and im waiting for them to get back to me.

I told the electrician that this is a honest mistake, we not have the blue prints to show that the wall wasn't were it should be. So for now, its free work and soon as I a price for the repairs of this floor area, I will then call him and settle up with him on the work he did and finally then, pay him something for the job. For which the bottom line be, I got what I need or wanted.

So now, its up to Jeff now when I might begin stocking these tanks> I think I mentioned that at fish world, they this beautiful trumpet coral, its huge and cost $200, I would love to have that piece. The girl, or one the girls I know that works there says that most likely this coral will still be here/there.

I now had restarted up my coral researching for I put a hold on it for some 18 months or more due too the fact that I not had the tanks as yet completely in place for I told Jeff that I not wanted to start anything until both tanks are completely installed and later on a phosphate reactor and so would be added.

So once these tanks are competed, I will then begin to run the lights to gain some algae before adding the hermit crabs and snails. The strips you will see will be removed being what was done here.

Sorry that im no time right now to post any pics off the work that was done for in the middle of my lunch, my son-in-law called me too pick up the kids from their school.




Sorry that im very busy on this end with my family, Im guessing as well that things will only become more demanding on my part to do more.