losing heads on frogspawn and hammer

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Humu Humu Nuku Nuku
Nov 12, 2010
i have been losing 1 head at a time on my frogspawn i have lost 4 heads in total, i have lost a 2 headed hammer 1 head 1 week 1 head the next....there are no fish with these corals.....al other corals are fine. water parameters are awesome....thought it was a fish attacking.....not the case any help will be awesome...all other heads on the corals affected are fully expanded....
How long have these corals been in your tank? What type of lighting are they under and how far from the bulbs? How would you describe the flow that the effected corals are getting?

When you say your water parameters are "awesome," what do you mean? Actual numbers are needed.

What all are you checking?


Is there anything that you're dosing?

Are there any other corals near these, that could be bothering them?
Ca 420
Alk 10 dkh
No nitrates, amonia, nitrites, phosphate(just had lfs test for me to make sure my kits are good...they seem to be right on......light is under t5 now 12 deep water flow is around 25 % turnover ....all other heads look great ......there was a brown slime I think it was the tissue dying
also do water change... just in case its something to do with chemistry.

This is good advise. There is a lot of things that could cause this. The fastest solution can be a simple water change. That will help bring everything back to where it should be, even the things you can't test for. Running some fresh carbon too can't hurt.

If you have some KENT Tech D or other coral dip that is appropriate for lps, I would use it. Just don't over due it, be sure to follow the instructions. Sometimes a bacterial infection can take hold and you need something more then just appropriate water quality.

I'd hit it from all directions.
I would recommend a 5-15 min. dip with an iodine based coral dip. This can stop the spread of infection (often called brown jelly) in its tracks. Sometimes a second dip is necessary 24 hours later. If action is not taken you can lose the entire colony. Shipping stress, being stung by another coral, poor water flow, can be some of the causes.

awesome thanks guys i did a coral rx dip for 8 min on ALL corals about 5 gal of mix made.....then melafix the next day ....corals seem to be all loving life.......we will see if i lose any more heads thanks guys.....i have had same corals in tank for 6 month ....no new corals for 2.5month ....around the time i traded a light for some corals......i dipped before i put in tank
I would also check your power head placement.

I blew off a head of frog spawn before I realized a tank inhabitant moved the K4 to blow directly on it. I found it in the early a.m. but it was too late :( Still have one head kickin' :D ( i hope)