Lost Creek 270

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Some other views...and yes there are fish!


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Looking Awesome!

You should start linking these photos from a flickr account.... Make them visable at a glance maybe. Push, Push!

Great pics!
Nice pictures Kevin. Would love to see your tank up close and personal some day. It looks so small in pictures and I know it's huge! My corals are also related to yours, lots of them. Is that purple rim from Brandon?
@Cyn I have 2 of the green-purple rimmed Mot Caps. I think one was with the tank when I got it from Kyle (on the left side of the left rock pile), the other is Brandon's (on the middle of the right rock pile)...bet they are both from the same place! I have 3 shades of orange (from 3 different sources) and I have different surface textures on various caps, too. interesting to watch.

Beautiful shots, thank you for sharing.

After looking at your pictures, I decided to move that way:), the only way to an awesome reef is to be snowed in for 4 - 6 months out of the year:):):)
Kevin, outfreakingstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devon, as per our conversation last nite, do you see what I meant??????????????

Great stuff Kevin, just plain great stuff.
Wow!!! looks like you may need to start pruning soon :):) I really like how big your colonies are getting. they all seem to have great color too!!!!
looks really nice. i agree with Cynthia, i'd like to see your tank in person.

i just noticed your WSU emblem, go cougs!!! is that where you went to school?
Hi Rob...I did Veterinary school at WSU, undergraduate was at Oregon State (Microbiology)...I tried to put both logos on, but only one allowed (I'll figure out how to get both on)...It was in response to all of the U of W Dawgs on the list... I have been asking about pruning my corals on another thread...you certainly have experience, anything helpful to pass along?

@Charlie...that was what I was talking about Saturday, yes things are REALLY growing! please...any comments advice? I am not looking to wreck the corals, but leave them in place & thin stuff. I am also going to be getting rid of some of the Xenia & Jacobs Ladder (I think that's what it is) soft corals (clear some real estate for more corals). I was looking & sounds like a slow, complete peel of the base from the rock followed by a bit of Kalk paste is suggested.
i'm sure i should have some advice but i usually just let the corals grow together and snap off the pieces that get killed by the fight. sorry that's not much help. i use a hemostat and if the branch won't just snap off then i use it to create a groove by squeezing and working the hemostat back and forth. once a thick branch has a grove it usually snaps off easy.
Considering the size of some of the branching corals you got, you can make about 2 fairly good sized frags from each branch you frag. I have mounted some frags horizontally just to see what happens. It gives the coral more places to encrust, and that is what an sps coral usually does first. Let me know if you need a hand. If you can wait until the first week in february, I could run down early on Saturday and we could do some fragging. Heck, you never know what might end up in my cooler for the trip down. I could bring a frag rack or 2 down too for ya.
Awww Charlie, thanks for the offer, but we already have a sledding party in Missoula (Ethiopian adpotion group) for the kids on the slate for Saturday...hope there is SNOW for it, but thanks for the offer! I guess I'm not in a hurry and don't really know what I'm going to do just yet...still gathering information. I would like to take a gander at your book somrtime for sure.
How about a March meeting at your place? You could turn me and Rob loose with a set of clippers and a 5 gallon bucket :):) We could provide some excellent color commentary and a few laughs at the same time.
So, I did a Xenia harvest (nutrient export sort of thing) on one side of the tank. Does anybody want some (there is still the LEFT side of the tank)? Some of them look good when I'm done with them, some, well...not so good. The process did not seem to have an effect on any fish or other corals. I also took out some of the Keny Tree I have growing; these hold on much better than the Xenia does.