Lost my anemone

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
Puyallup, Washington
Woke up this morning and my Long Tentacle Anemone is gone. :cry: I checked my sump and everywhere I could see but no anemone. I didn't move my rocks to look behind but I have no idea where it went. Just yesterday he was open looked happy as can be. Weird. Hopefully it shows up again soon. :?:
is your water cloud bryan, it might have been turned into anemone soup unfortunatley. Has anything died since. Usually this can lead to total system crashes except for clownfish since they are immune to the anemone's toxins
Definitely didn't turn into soup. All fish are alive and happy. I figured he's playing hide and seek and he's doing a good job of it so far.
I can bet that its hiding somewhere, or just on the move. My rbta hid under a rock for almost 2 days recently while it split in 2. Look behind and underneath yuor rock if you can, or just wait and be ready to move stuff if it pops up where you didn't expect it.
Years ago I had a 130 reef and lost a sebae and it showed up a long time later. I could not see the back of my rock wall so I think he was hanging out there.