LOTS of Pics of my things.

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
Well when I got home from work today, my tank looked SOOOOO good
all the corals were so open and happy I got a little crazy with the camera.
Sorry about the amount of pics.

I thought this one was neat to show the extention on the torch's main body out of the base

This one is a little fuzzy of my new acans
love your euphyllias aye no wonder u like the hammer coral i will have to go and take more pics now lol
Thats my problem right now!
I'm running out of room for "frags" in my tank!
I cant crowd the LPS with others cause of the sweeper tenticals I read about!
I may be overly cautious ??
They are all small colonies or frags no big ones!
All the LPS are going n the big tank and some of the small colonies of zoos too!
I'm gonna have LOTs of room for more!
But trying to stock a 24" wide x 4'6" long tank out of a 29 gallon is kinda hard!!!
well the wallet will prolly not be able to support the coral buying once the tank is up.
BTW I'm going to JASONS on JAN 31st (hopefully) to pay for the tank and get him my drawings of my CL. and drop of my sump for the mods he's gonna do on it.
He's got me schedualed in for the start of FEB.. to build the tank!!! WOOT WOOT!
Gotta have the lights and stuff ready by the middle to end of FEB..
How long does it take him to build a tank???
How long you have that rbta? did you but it with that color? or slowly changed to that.

Im asking because i believe its bleaching... thats not the normal color for that rbta. Maybe Im wrong... but it looks bleached.
I've had it for months!
The BTA is a PINK BTA!
FISHOUTOFWATER has the split of this one!
It is not a true RTBA!
It came this way from a well established tank with the one Fish has and in the tank was two true RTBAs that were red!
It was under MH and still is now?!
In fact Fishes one he got the same day I got mine just split agian and they are both BRIGHT PINK!
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