this is the irony of reef keeping!
i have been struggling and i mean struggling to get my 180g sps tank to color up and get decent growth.
you name it, i had it...ozone, fluidized carbon filters, rowaphos filters, phosphate sponges, refugium, massive amounts of live rock for biofiltration (1500 pounds) and the list goes on and on and on...please put a lot of dollar signs after all this...
i finally went to full zeovit on my 180g and my sps' are finally coloring up and i am seeing great growth! whoohoo (a very hard earned whoohoo, i think)...
how in the heck is this a low tech topic?
my wife wanted, no, she insisted that i start a 110g zoo/ricordea tank as she loved zoos and rics...
how can one argue with that?
so i set up a 110g in the garage with the only thing high tech was a sump. i have a small euroreef es5-2 (puny in other words), an algae filter and pretty low flow with only a quiet one 4000 for a return and a seio 820 for circulation.
we have since collected and stocked it pretty full with zoo's, rics and 2 large anemones. i run no carbon, no ozone, no resins or filter pads of any kind, as barebones as bare bones can get.
it is lit with 2x250w de mh's that is placed way too close to the water surface (6 inches).
basically everything is set up for sps disaster.
i put in two sps' in for unknown purple aquacultured sps' and a bleached out pink stylo. my experience with aquacultured sps and wild sps is that they always brown out then slowly color up after a few months. not these guys...
the pink stylo has gained incredible color is almost to full coloration in the 3 weeks i have had it. the purple sps has intensified in color even more than when i got it.
there is a trick...
i do a 70g water change per week using old water from my 180g sps tank. in addition, the fresh salt water for my 180g is nsw i get from a research facility.
i am now a firm believer of low tech for sps. just keep your parameters in check, stable and one should be good to go!
i dont know what it is but the sps in my softie tank do much better than the sps in my dedicated sps tank. thus, the irony of my tanks!