lowest temperature for mixed reef tank

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
was wondering what would be the lowest temperature you can run a mixed reef. ive moved some of my equipment/refugium to the outside deck which was great cuz my chiller only comes on during the halide hours. ive been as low as 74.5 degrees and gets up to 78 when all the lighting is on. i noticed my ph has been a steady 8.35 and the all the corals open up. fish dont seem to mind. any others run that low for temp?
If I remember correctly, corals almost completely stop metabolizing at (or around) temps below 74F. Keeping the temp around 75 is really to low for a tropical reef tank. Most will tell you to use 77 as the lowest temp and 84 as the highest. If you look at RC TOTM articals, you will read time and time again, 77-79 as the most common ideal temp flux. I ran mine at 79-82 for the first two years.
Keep in mind also, at 75 degrees, there is absolutely no saftey net before you have deaths if your temp drops lower.
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I have my Ranco controller set to keep my tank between 77 and 79 degrees. I need to double-check my Ranco again as it may be reading a degree low. But at least it consistently runs a degree low if it is low by a degree.
thanks team reeffrontiers. good idea on the safety net trido. i think i have some styrofoam laying around where i can insulate the tanks outside. i'll try that before adding a heater. trying to save money on not having the chiller turn on.
77-78 is a good number. people that say 84 degrees are asking for problems. you have a slight overheat and your screwed same with the low end of the spectrum you start going below 75-74 and your going to have problems IMO anyways FWIW :). i wouldnt stay on either end of the spectrum very long if possible.
Man there are so many contrasting opinions on reef tank temps. I was just looking up ideal temps for sps and many people say 82-84 is best. Thats good for me bacuse mine gets way up there with the halides, and Im not buyin a chiller. My tank has routinely gotten up to 86 and I have not seen any bad things happen....yet.

I think it all depends on too many variables.

I dont know about putting the refuge outside though. Ive seen 2 feet of snow and 100 degree weather at my house and Im right near the water. That would cause problems for sure.
well alki. from my understanding the higher the temp (within safe limits anyways) the higher the metabolism meaning they will grow faster. But is this a good thing ? in areas of the ocean where the temps are rising to this degree or higher we are seeing mass bleaching and huge death rates. the Co2 content is another factor but i just think its safer to try and get the best of both worlds.
i think 70 is probably death, its not so much the temp but that change...

if you can keep your tank at 74 consecutively and constant its fine..

i think you should assess the room temp, and think about what you have to work with.

4 degree swin in anything under 10hrs, IMO is dangerous.
but havent you gone snorkeling in the reefs and on one side will be warm and then the others side it will be cooler. lets talk about temperature swing. anyone know of any article that deals with temperature swing?
I believe inverts and corals can deal with temp swings better, but Lee Birch in her forum stated this ;http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27191&highlight=temperature+drop+fish

From that post;

"Some interesting information and things to know:
a. A sudden drop in temperature as little as 2F in an hour can cause a marine fish mucous coating to sluff off or improperly function. This causes the fish to become sensitive to infection and diseases it could otherwise fend off. This is the reason why fish who go through a drop in temperature suddenly become ill or infected. A small drop in temperature is significantly far worse than a small rise in temperature."
There was an article on reefcentral.com that said temp swings of 10 degrees have been measured in the ocean in a single day. It also said prolonged temps of 85 have been seen. I don't think there is any single temp that is best. If your tank is swinging a couple degrees throughout the day, join the club, cause most tanks do. I would imagine anything between 74-84 degrees with a variation of +-2 degrees throughout the day is just fine.
The larger water volume has alot less fluctuation between lighting periods, and the fluctuation is the most important part. Wild swings usually cause death. I've seen my tank drop as low at 70 during power outtages without any losses, but that is on a tank that usually runs at 75 and not at 80.

If I remember correctly, corals almost completely stop metabolizing at (or around) temps below 74F. Keeping the temp around 75 is really to low for a tropical reef tank. Most will tell you to use 77 as the lowest temp and 84 as the highest. If you look at RC TOTM articals, you will read time and time again, 77-79 as the most common ideal temp flux. I ran mine at 79-82 for the first two years.
Keep in mind also, at 75 degrees, there is absolutely no saftey net before you have deaths if your temp drops lower.

I have noticed considerable less growth rate on tanks less than 78 degrees. By less I mean 50-75% less growth.
depth and volume are key to temp in the ocean, Trying to compair it to a fish tank is not a good rule of thumb.

IME keeping your tank closest to what ever temp you choice is healthiest