luisse25's 90 gal tank

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newly acquired hammer that is coloring up..goldish tips with greenish purplish tint on the stem...sorry its in the back side of the tank...its hard to capture the colors but im really happy with of the treasures i found meaning its cheap:becky:
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one of the coolest hitchhiker,blue sympodiums

more polyps

another full tank shot..i think this is much better..the first one is a kind of dim..i did moved my green candy canes from the sandbed to the rokwork near the gold torch :)
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I like your gold/orange hammer. I bet it was pretty spendy.
Was the last hammer from someone local?
Nice colors! Cool looking tank, looks clean and thriving.
thanks!u dont have any idea what i've went through,,,after i cycled the tank it got overtaken wit hair algae,,,rockwork sandbed was full of hair algae...i also got brown snotty stringy looking
slime i believe was a dinoflagelattes....i went and got a lawnmower blenny and sailfin a matter of few weeks with plucking and less feeding the hair algae was all gone...however the dino was still there but not much....i did added more carbon and did a few water change and i dont know what happened it just disappeared.
i also had cyano,the red and green one...i notice that if i raise my mag the cyano goes away,,,i completely got rid of the red cyano but i still have the green matting one on a few spot of the sandbed,,,,the spots with low flow,,,,i can live with it although im still trying to completely get rid of it ...from time to time i siphon it out....i did try chemi-pure hoping it will help,,,,but then i started to get white slime growing in my glass so after using it for a week or so i took it out....

i am planning to add a phosban reactor to run gfo,i already have it but haven't got around in putting it...i have never tried any stuff in any of my tank,,,only thing i have eversince i started the hobby is just a good working skimmer and carbon....

thankfully everything is thriving and healthy...i still encounter a few problem....i really really wanna put a calcium reactor...i just dont know how to do it...i purchase a complete calcium reactor at one time but never really use it and sold it....

saw your tank and i am jealous at your sps sps grows really slow..i know because i got a thumbnail frag of sunset monti,,,,after 5 months it only doubled the size.....its ridiculous....:idea:
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my favorite paly...original darth maul...wish it grows fast

blue palys and some....

red hornets recovering from algae battle...thankfully won that one
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thankfully everything is thriving and healthy...i still encounter a few problem....i really really wanna put a calcium reactor...i just dont know how to do it...i purchase a complete calcium reactor at one time but never really use it and sold it....
I was kind of confused with starting a calcium reactor too, but I just recently set one up and I couldn't be happier. Still trying to fine tune it but I got a lot of help from DTECH. Best investment to date!!! You should go for it and if you need help setting it up or information I am POSITIVE there are tons of people here that would be happy to help you! Good luck!
another full tank shot..i think this is much better..the first one is a kind of dim..i did moved my green candy canes from the sandbed to the rokwork near the gold torch :)

Tank/Corals look awesome. Do you have any pest problems with all the trades/acquisitions? Do you quarantine or dip the corals. If so, what do you use/do?
hi jason!thanks for the compliment....i do get pest problems through trade...u will always get them no matter what :) currently im using reef dip(came from bra giveaway bag)..i use revive...sometimes i mix the 2 together for dipping....the last pest i have on this tank is pyramid snails which i think decimate all my stomatella snails...i do not see any single pyramid snail right now which i believe because i have no more snails so maybe they starved to death....pyramid snails are predator of clams as for everyone who doesn't know....they are tiny white pointy tiny grain of rice.
i did have flatworms before but my yellow coris wrasse got rid of them...i did encounter montipora eating nudis,this i manually got rid of it,luckily its only on frags so what i did is i just remove the nudis that are visible and glued shut the edges and crevices just in case theres eggs and leftovers....

u really never know what u can get.... but its part of the hobby...all we have to do is just be responsible for newly acquired frags and dip.

i have not experience doing quarantine....i just dont have the space for it and time.
im just excited on the new pieces i got that i wanna show it :)
im not really into plain green hammers but when i got this,i got blown away how this thing just outcompete my neon green candy cane..i am trying so hard not to get more corals as im running out of room but who will say no to trades?:D

i love mushrooms...heres new pieces i acquired.