making a southdown sand order in bellevue area

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
i know alot of people want cheap sand, myself included, and has anyone tried ordering a pallet of southdown sand, like getting it delivered to HD or lowe's, i'd be interested in orginizing it, though it might be a while, i was wondering if anyone's done this already, if so give me a few tips or anything i might need to know, and i think i've heard minimum order is like 2000lbs or something so i'll look into this
lol nope, mine's actually most crushed coral and some sand with sand in my fuge, but it's not deep, it's inbetween at like 2 inches, also looking for some to make live rock, just want to try that out,
I have ordered Several pallets from HD down here...

They like to see a minimum of 1 pallet but the more the better... It was about 10.00 per bag after all the shipping Expenses (you have to pay them as well) to get it to your local HD... Usually takes about a week... Its a huge process that kinda sucks... After you get the pallet you have to figure out how to get it home... Its 53 bags if I remember correctly @ 50# per bag.. Plus they said about another 100#s on top of that for packing...

A normal truck will not haul that in 1 load..

hmm thanks for the thoughts, maybe i'll try and get that many people together to want the what, 2650lbs of sand or so
Just an FYI I was going to try and get it wholesale to have locally year round and the Yardright people told me the place in the Carribean that makes it will no longer be making it. So their play sand is the same composition wise but will not be as white. But you might be able to find some stray bags at the HD for a little while. So if you can't find the carribean play sand go for the play sand little more beige though.
Southdown sand order

I'm in for about 200#. Hopefully we can get this going soon as I'm trying to setup a tank
now :D

Please let me know what the plan is. I may also be able to come up with a pickup truck to
help retrieve some of the load from the store. (a normal 1/2 ton, so I can't take it all :)
PM me, and let me know

i'm at about 400 lbs out of 2650, plus how much i decide to get, that's including u mower7, any other people interested?

Illusion when and where from did you make ur order, i'd like to know more details, pm me with them if u can
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teng have you got anymore peopel?! how far away are we still lol

just really wanted to bump this so other popel can see it and help order=)
nope, no more people yet, this is looking grim, is out of sand... and southdown supposedly by oldcastle isn't being made any more so i'll try and get to HD or Lowe's as soon as possible
i was at homedepot, but i didn't have time to talk to the manager but they had a different brand of oldcastle, from idaho though, so it might be hopeful
Does it have to be southdown play sand?? if not I can get you some calcium carbonate sand (with out all the phospahtes associated with the southdown) for a decent price. I guess the down side would be that it is more salt and pepper.

ya, i really like the look of whiter sand like the play sand, still haven't found out anything more, doesn't look like it's going to work, i might try again see if they got stuff in stock again
WEll The southdown you are not going to find right now... you are going to have to wait until Spring time... before winter comes they discount it all and sell out mostly and restock around spring time...

BTW that Stuff mojo showed looks really good in tanks as a substrate... I have seen a cold water tank with it as a base..
