For those of you that know me or have read my threads, you would know that my system runs on minimal equipment, and I'm always willing to try things that others say will not work. The first example was when I raised large highly aggressive cichlids together that are now best buds. What I posted this to mention though blows my mind. I tested my nitrates yesterday, and got almost dead 0!
My tank is about 8 months old, but has a heavy bio load with no skimmer or carbon or anything to bring it down. I've never even used RO water, just tap with conditioner. The second thing is that I'm very successfully keeping a six line wrasse with a mandarin goby, and they are both happy and healthy and getting along fine with plenty of food. Just wanted to share this because many people wouldn't believe it.
Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, if you think you can make it work.
Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, if you think you can make it work.