In my zeal to report to all of you I missed it. After I typed that , what I thought was a quick statement, I returned to fine that the light for the Greenwater reactors had cycled off. It was so beautiful. Then when I got back to #6 I lay down in front of it to let my eyes acclimate to the darkened lab. I couldn't see them, however. I could see the Peppermint shrimp darting back and forth, but not the mandarins. So I used a flashlight to find them.
What I saw was so sweet as to make me wonder about what constitutes intellection. The were asleep on top of the substrata, in the lower left front of the aquarium with their with tail fins together like lovers holding hands after loving. All of the rays of their fins fully extended, both of them. They two form a horseshoe, both facing toward me, with their tail fins cupped together.
Oh, how I wish you all could have seen that.