Matt's 100 gallon Rimless OBD system

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I use peroxide to dip frags in to get rid of algae and i've also dipped rock that was covered in red turf algae and it works great. I use a 3 (water)to 1 (peroxide)ratio and that seems to be good for my frags. I've never used it in my system ona whole though.

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I guess I will chime in here since I have sort of been trying to help Matt along with his algae problem :).

The progress you are making is good stuff, it is a wonder what a little patience will do for things? Keep up the work Matt, it is looking a heck of alot better than when I saw the tank in person in October :).
you're right. it does take a lot of patients. And persistence.
keep up the good work. tank looks great!
Thanks guys! It's a lot of work, right? I didn't really want to use peroxide at all let alone in the tank but I was feeling kind of desperate. I know that it helped as far as treating the individual rocks, not sure about the tank treatment but when I let up for a couple of days it comes back with a vengeance!

As far as the Dr. Tim's Refresh, I learned that on a Mr. Saltwater Tank video that I bought. I was really struggling with cyano too, and after two or three doses of that it was gone! It's just bacteria, no risk in adding it to your tank in my opinion.
Hi Matt, I will chime in here also. I've been battling algae also for a loooonnnggg time with variable or not much success and have recently stumbled upon Dr. Tim's Waste Away. I am dosing a 400 gallon system every 2nd or 3rd day, no skimming for 24 hours, then skimming wet. The harvesting by hand plucking and siphoning has also helped. I also have never heard of H2O2 (hydrogen-peroxide) dosing, seems a bit harsh - it is a very reactive molecule, but I'll look it up! So, after 2-1/2 months of dosing with Waste Away, I am seeing the hope of a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel; the algae growth has slowed dramatically and the algae is just not as healthy. I don't know how long the dose/skim routine will last; weeks? months? It will take as long as it takes, I didn't get there in a week, so I won't get out of the problem in a week. Persistence patience and tincture of time and you'll get there, I am just enjoying the signs of progress, I hope your problem resolves faster!
I agree about the H2O2 seeming harsh, and I'm sure it is a little. However, I haven't seen any bad long term effects and I've been using it for a couple of months at least. Like I said, I was desperate and my next step would have been to take all the rock out and replace it. Did you watch my video?

I also liked the Waste Away, but I'm not sure if it was totally doing the job. I was dosing it every other day, 1/4 cup. I ran out and just haven't bought any new yet because it seems like it's almost gone.

By the way, go Cougs! Did you go to school there? I see you're the same age as me, maybe we were there together. I only made it a year and a half before I partied my way out of there, ended up graduating from Eastern in 82.
I agree about the H2O2 seeming harsh, and I'm sure it is a little. However, I haven't seen any bad long term effects and I've been using it for a couple of months at least. Like I said, I was desperate and my next step would have been to take all the rock out and replace it. Did you watch my video?

I also liked the Waste Away, but I'm not sure if it was totally doing the job. I was dosing it every other day, 1/4 cup. I ran out and just haven't bought any new yet because it seems like it's almost gone.

By the way, go Cougs! Did you go to school there? I see you're the same age as me, maybe we were there together. I only made it a year and a half before I partied my way out of there, ended up graduating from Eastern in 82.

I'm going to have to take a bit and look over ReefCentral to see about the peroxide dosing...interesting! I'm glad it has helped you.

The waste Away isn't a use a bottle any you're done kinda thing. I/you/we still feed the fish and there will still be phosphate inputs and nitrates to deal with, so some form of dosin will (probably) be a permanent thing for me. Dr. Tim did advise me to do the dosing regimen we are both doing until the algae is gone. I was wanting to install a bio-pellet reactor with the Waste Away bacteria as the seeding bacteria to kill the algae at the get-go; he advised me not to do that, but rather to get things under control first, then we'll talk about a reactor/biopellets. I'm not to the end point after 2-1/2 months, but am on the way, sounds like you are too....get more Waste Away and keep dosing/skimming!

Cougs? Yes, I'm a Coug for sure, graduated in 1982 with my DVM...hard to believe I'm in my 4th decade of practice! When I graduated, at the tender age of 26, I thought old timers that were my age (at that time) were REALLY FREAKIN' old, some were curmudgeonly for sure! Shoes' on the other foot now, Ha!
If you remember my video from the a month or two ago, I had a pretty bad hair algae problem. Here's some pictures from last week:





All gone!