may 21 2011 PSAS meeting

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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wow! thats quite the list. I know theres a few things i'd be interested in as I have to restock my tank. Looking forward to the auction!
Question was asked what the Emerald Sunrise looked like so here is a pic of the colony after fragging.
Not the best pic, but they are really fluorescent green in the center.

Depending on how things go the next couple days with getting my new reef setup I may have a significant amount of equipment up for grabs. On another note, if the weather agrees, I'd be happy to fire up the BBQ. Just bring what you would like to cook up and we'll get it goin.

Still on for the BBQ?
We have one too and a table or two. We will bring them with us.

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Great event. It was nice to meet a few new people.

Thank you to the BOD for the work you do!

You are welcome... Did you get your prize on the way home?

For the others who were in the grow out comp that didn't make it.
Iloveshroom first place winner..
and 2nd place was rainydave.
and third place was hersy

congrats to the winners... prize will be available for pick up in a week..
It was good seeing everyone today! Looked like quite a bit of coral and drygoods changed hands and everyone went home happy. If it seemed as though I was in the background a bunch, I apologize i wasn't being anti social. I actually just found out that what I thought was just a stubbed toe about a half hour prior to the meeting is actually broken so I was kind of hobbling around. I look forward to seeing everyone again at next months meeting. Hopefully my tank will be doing better and I'll be able to pick up some new corals myself.
You are welcome... Did you get your prize on the way home?

For the others who were in the grow out comp that didn't make it.
Iloveshroom first place winner..
and 2nd place was rainydave.
and third place was hersy

congrats to the winners... prize will be available for pick up in a week.. didn't make it out the door. I picked up a couple of acans and some zoas. :biggrin1:
i am sorry i wasnt able to make it:(thanks to the PSAS BOD and to BARRIER REEF for putting out a great competition...:)

It was a fun event. Thanks to those that put it all together and all those that came and participated.
thanks for the meeting / auction . loved it ! all the corals are happy aready ! sorry i had to leave eairly . it was def nice meeting orhers in the club