me and the food :D

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
i have a question and i hope i'm not the only one dealing with this :p.

i love doughnuts ......:lol: --- ok ok serious now :p .

last time i bought my frozen food (formula 1), everytime i'd thaw (you know when food is not with ice :p:D)it out, the darn thing was a pain in the butt to cut through it .... seriously it was hard :p even the fishes used to have a hard time eating it :p.
Now i recently bought another package but this time if i leave the food in the refrigerator it gets all melty :confused: ....i put my refrigerator to number 7 which i guess it was high because it almost froze all myfood, but the fish food still sort of melts :eek: ....if i try to rinse it in ro water, it just dissolves right away.

should i just leave it in the freezer and just thaw (however you spell that :p) it when i'm about to use it? or does this means that the food is not good?

DEFINATELY leave it frozen. Formula 1 has a gelatin base to it and it holds together fairly well. Take one square out and thaw it. Leave the rest frozen.

If one square is too much for your tank only partially thaw that one square and then cut it and re-freeze the remainder. (This is not the best solution in terms of vitamin-retention but it's a LOT better than letting a whole package thaw).

DEFINATELY leave it frozen. Formula 1 has a gelatin base to it and it holds together fairly well. Take one square out and thaw it. Leave the rest frozen.

If one square is too much for your tank only partially thaw that one square and then cut it and re-freeze the remainder. (This is not the best solution in terms of vitamin-retention but it's a LOT better than letting a whole package thaw).

I agree with Curt. Leave it in the freezer Gabbs. That's why it's called "frozen food" :p Just take your time thawing it out so your fish won't have a hard time:)
I just pop out 2 cubes into a cup, take some tank water and thaw them out. It will thaw them pretty quick, you just gotta catch it before they start to "melt"
I do the same as above...I pop a cube or two into a cup, dip out a lil' tank water and then set the cup on top of my light fixture for a few The combination of the warmer water and the heat from the fixture thaws (yes, Gabby, that is the correct it out quick. Then I just use a turkey baster to control how much I'm feeding.
Hey I hadn't thought about sitting the cup of fish food in top of my light fixture. I melt my fish food in a dish of tank water and garlic extreme and sit it on top of the stove. I only take out the cube and break the portion of frozen mysis and let them soak and melt for like 30-45 min. Then feed.
thank you very much doods for a moment i was starting to think that i was having bad luck with getting the frozen food with the right texture :p.

(yes, Gabby, that is the correct

yuuhuu !! i was sweating it with that word :D :p .
I can throw mine in frozen and it will still be gone in 10 seconds flat, lol. I just throw the 2 cubes in and they all come out and start chowing down. Doesn't last too long in my tank.