Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

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Another Reader Cleans The Green!

Well it's been a good couple of days for clean-tank debuts. Minzuk on the UR site, who came up with the idea of using a gravel vac as a waterfall pipe, just checked in with great results. Here is what he did, along with the dates:

8/14: "I wont be discarding the skimmer or po4 reactor just yet, ill prob still keep them on even after this starts to work. I like new/ressurrected ideas, so though for 5 mins work ill give it a go. Seeding? I cant see anything about seeding in your write up. Rubbing green algae, do you mean the algae that will begin to grow in a few days? Do we let it build up and whilst harvesting it off, try and rub it into the screen?"

8/18: "im on day 6 and this is the result so far [very very light growth in pic]. Is this correct? Am I going on track? its more browny green then green. I can also see small hairy strands of green showing when viewed close up."

8/20: "Im using a 125w envirolite lamp with reflector to light up the area. I suppose I could move it closer down to the screen if needed. Power wise, im using a mj400. Do you think I would get better results with a larger powerhead?"

8/22: "well after moving the light much closer, the screen has started to fill like crazy, its turning into a sludge type algae and behind the brown stuff i can see green algae growing"

9/7: "Its been a few weeks since I made mine. Been busy so not had a chance to update. All I can say is, I was suffering a crap load of hair algae [in the display] and very dusty algea on my rocks, back and sand. Since I have added the screen, the back of the tank has literally cleaned itself bare. the rocks are all very purple again, and a not a cm in sight of any algae. The front glass has not built up any algae for a while. Im due to test tomm for NO3 and PO4 but I can honesly say just by looking at the sparkling water, clean sand and amazing rocks. This thing defo works.....thanks so much!! It has made a major difference to the tank and water quality."
Here's the first reader that made use of the sump Version 3. Very neat... no extra space needed. As long as you keep the sump level low enough, you get full use of the screen space:

that looks great. Home depot sells that gutter guard just as you see in the pic. He's got two of them glued together?
If any of you folks feel that these algae filters are going to be able to help you, then do me a favor and state your opinion over on RC. There are some clowns on that site that don't want algae filters to succeed, and they spend all day posting trash on my thread there, while I'm trying to help people to build screens of their own. I don't know why that site allows them to post the things they do (i.e. talking about my family members), but they do. The ones doing it are obvioius, and they're all posting at once in the last 24 hours because of the recent three successes in a row that I posted there. To help, go to reefcentral to the last page of my thread:

... and post what you feel. Also feel free to report the post of the offenders; us the "report this post" link on the bottom-right of the post.

hey a lot of the people there suck. i like to absorb their knowledge but i find it impossible to be a part of their community
This one is a very nice build from someone who knows how to work with acrylic. It's another elevated-screen setup, and the main advantage of his is the 33 watt CFL's on both sides. Lighting will not be a problem here:


By the way, many folks are tie-wrapping thier screens to the pipes. I did not do this, but it could indeed be useful. However it does mean you'll need to take the pipe out with the screen each time.
A Fourth User Gets Results!

This is the guy who, when he posted his results on RC, all the clowns started shouting as loud as they could to drown him out. His post came right after I posted the Third User with great results, so the clowns started hitting their post keys in rapid succession (amazing how RC allows personal attacks). His username on RC is Navipro1, and if anyone here has an account there, please invite him to come here for reading and posting, since my RC account is now deleted.

Anyways, his results-post was short and sweet, since he did not tell us ahead of time that he was trying a screen:

"I tried it on 1 of my tanks which always had hair algae problem, I have a refugium for the system but never worked that well, after I implemented this idea, most of my hair algae problem is gone and I can really feed my corals / fish more now and run the lights for a longer photo period, I was sceptical at first but decided to give it a try, I'm glad I did, its now paying off BIG TIME!"
since my RC account is now deleted.

yep, they no likey when you tell them to throw away their skimmers and refugiums, and they probably dont like filtration that raises your DOC's.
tough crowd over there, you need a thick skin and a quick tounge.
but does it make them clowns simply brcause they disagree with your methods? despite their agro attitudes, they probably have some good reasons
to disagree with you, as this is nothing new and people have been using this method for quite some time. they are probably more familiar than you are with what the long term negative results of this method are, hence the flaming.
as i said, it would probably bode well for you to do some more research before you make such bold blanket statements. year old reef tanks are still infantile, so people want to see what the effect 1-2 years after their implementation into the filter is on a reef system.
it's my personal feeling that this method is unnaceptable for sps (when employed singularly) so thats a pretty big issue right there...
but again, let me say that i wouldnt mind trying one of these on a system in conjunction with tried and true long term filtration. although, im more prone to belive that some of the newer bacterial based methods are vastly superior to this one (zeovite, elos prima line, prodibio, fauna marin zeolith system)
but does it make them clowns simply brcause they disagree with your methods?

Not at all. I answered all their questions, and they avoided most of mine. When thier own evidence proved them wrong (that high doc meant healthier corals), they turned soley into personal attacks, including attack on family members. If you'll notice, only the pro-skimmer crowd gets angry. The pro-algae crowd does not. That's because the pro-algae crowd will not be losing any in-kind participation from manufacturers.

this is nothing new and people have been using this method for quite some time

Yes, as I mentioned in my post, a lot of the mechanisms of turf have been on the forums for a while. I read most of them going back to 2000, and a few alt.rec.aquaria ones back to '93. And I also gathered info from those who used turf in the past, or read Dynamic Aquaria, which thereby brings us back to the '70s for using turf in aquariums. The "new" part, however, is just putting the turf into a bucket, and doing it for (basically) free. The only commercial turf unit you can buy today cost $3,000 USD, and is bigger than most tanks itself. Since basically nobody is going to spend that, and because it's so big, there has been no talk of turf in the last few years, and therefore folks new to reefs don't know about turf at all. Kinda like if there were a new type of skimmer that only cost $30 but outperformed every other type including becketts, but nobody was talking about it. The purpose of me posting is to get new folks involved, without making it too technical, so that we can all benefit from what can be learned about the turf.

they are probably more familiar than you are with what the long term negative results of this method are

How? None of them are running algae-only filtration. Not even trying to. And they, amazingly, were unable to produce any proof of long-term negative effects. And the proof they did produce (the "video research", that they did not even watch) actually dis-proved them. Now of course, we are talking here about SPS, which this thread is not about. I invite you to start a thread about long-term SPS success using turf-only filtration. I'll even help.

hence the flaming.

The flaming is because they have no proof, and are risking their relationships with skimmers and their makers. BTW, I like skimmers. They just could not do the job I asked of them.

it would probably bode well for you to do some more research before you make such bold blanket statements.

The research has been done: It's now proven that an algae filter, by itself (of proper size, flow, lighting) can reduce N and P to levels unmeasureable by hobby test kits within four weeks. That's what this thread is for, about, and will continue to support.

year old reef tanks are still infantile

Moot point, with regards to this thread. I again invite you to start a thread about long-term SPS success with turf-only filtration.

it's my personal feeling that this method is unnaceptable for sps (when employed singularly) so thats a pretty big issue right there.

See above. And please note that the letters "SPS" are not anywhere in the title, nor even anywhere in my entire first post (which was quite lengthy). I'll be excited to read your new thread about SPS once it's started.

i wouldnt mind trying one of these on a system in conjunction with tried and true long term filtration

Please do, I'll be happy to see the results and post them on other sites for them to benefit from too.

Although, im more prone to belive that some of the newer bacterial based methods are vastly superior (zeovite, elos prima line, prodibio, fauna marin zeolith system)

Depends what you mean by "superior". They sure aren't free, so that's not superior. They have risk, so that's not superior. You could eliminate the cost by using vodka, but then you are back to the risk. Also, none of those methods do these things:

Absorb metals
Cool the water
Increase oxygen
Decrease CO2
Grow pods
The Power Of Light.

Here's an interesting growth sequence. This fellow started out with just a low power NO tube, on one side. After switching to a 23W CFL, things changed:

I'd heard of it before too but SM really simplified it. I made mine same day as reading his original post and it was fun building and running and watching it grow so thank you :)

do you know of any other fun devices I can cheaply make for my tank?
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Only an eel pipe out of pvc. :)

How about this: You make buckets and sell them to others. I'll be posting info on this soon, but you would already be in a position to do it yourself.
ok- i have cleanded my screen and i forgot to do one side and did them both but there was about ten spots of green hair algea on my sreen so i rubbed those all over my screen and this time my screen filled up almost all the way in 3 days!!!
n is still 160 but i can tell it has come way down cause when i did the test last week as soon as i added a couple drops of the second nitrate test bottle it would turn blood red!!! tonight when i tested it was a light orange even after a min of shaking, the turned red in about 4 min. so much improvement. also evrything looks much happier in my tank... my frogspawn is full and happy and my green zoas that were sucked up tight are now open. my po4 is undetectable.
i totally forgot why my levels were so nuclear... i bought a 50 lbs of figi lr that my step kid didn't pick up for a week and had put it in my tank... at the time i had a newly mesh modded skimmer that was working great... and my lvls were low so i thought it would be allright with 3 mass waterchanges a week... hmm guess i was born last night...
If any of you folks feel that these algae filters are going to be able to help you, then do me a favor and state your opinion over on RC. There are some clowns on that site that don't want algae filters to succeed, and they spend all day posting trash on my thread there, while I'm trying to help people to build screens of their own. I don't know why that site allows them to post the things they do (i.e. talking about my family members), but they do. The ones doing it are obvioius, and they're all posting at once in the last 24 hours because of the recent three successes in a row that I posted there. To help, go to reefcentral to the last page of my thread:

... and post what you feel. Also feel free to report the post of the offenders; us the "report this post" link on the bottom-right of the post.


I think everyone has a right to run there systems anyway they want. You didnt get alot of response from experienced folks on that thread. The means is very old and does remove nutrients, thats obvious from the algae growth. Times have changed and the demand for even lower nutrient level have grown well past this type of filtration. Most folks now days think SPS when it comes to reefkeeping in general. Will it support and sps system by itself. Thats a pretty simple no.

I would look at the other side of the agument. IMO if you can grow algae on the screen then you need to rethink overall husbandry. Nutrient levels from from an sps perspective should be low enough that algae would never grow on the screen.

Take a look at all sides of the arguments.

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