Merry Christmas Thread!

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Oh well I guess I slipped, didn't look far enough back, this one is stuck for the time being so hopefully it won't get missed like I did, sorree!

LOL...You know I'm just messing with ya! Your thread won't be missed...You see what name is under the thread title "Scooterman" Everyone will reply!;)
You know Scooter, this thread is making me "mushy" too. Sometimes we forget what we have to be thankful for, and while Thanksgiving is over, we get this second chance every year. I am thankful for RF and wish the best to "all" during this holiday season, and the rest of the year as well.

Let's all be careful with "New Years" as well, and report back Healthy, wealthy and Wise after "the First"!!!!! Well, at least the Healthy and Wealthy part!! :lol:

The very best, and Merry Christmas to all. > Wave98 :)
Thanks a lot Nikki, you made cry :) , that's cute !!!
i wish you all the best and i hope Nikki doesn't get any floods while she's away.
merry christmas everyone. I unfortunatly have to work nights this year over the weekend. My wife and children will be at my sisters and I will be here at work watching rf boards for everyone who got a new toy. I got mine early last week it was an asm- g-3 skimmer. thanks santa...Maybe another thread will be in order for all the new things. make sure to post the pics. have a great holiday ....steve
I know I'm new here and all, and everyone here sounds pretty cool. Seem like everyone here gets along like family and best friends. Hope to get to know everyone here and thanks so far for all the advice that had helped me this past week. Merry Christmas and enjoy the Holiday!

I know I'm new here and all, and everyone here sounds pretty cool. Seem like everyone here gets along like family and best friends. Hope to get to know everyone here and thanks so far for all the advice that had helped me this past week. Merry Christmas and enjoy the Holiday!

RF=Reef Family:) Glad you are enjoying it here Mo...Merry Christmas;)
I was looking on this site when I smelled burning my wife put books atop the pellet stove which was off and she was arranging things on several bookshelves then fell asleep but my teenage son came in and was cold so he turned it on without looking it was a little dark in the room when i went to see the smell luckily the bottom books had pages turning brown and were very very hot but no harm. The next day I went to work and on the way home my alternator went out on an unlit and very foggy highway stretch.
Another day I woke up and someone borrowed my truck and left the lights on (dead Battery) I frantically tried to get thing into another vehicle so I could drive to work. Being the lead foot I can be I did not even notice How fast I was going as I usually don't drive our car Someone came up behind me and scarred me a little I slowed moved over as soon as I could to see a police officer passing me and looking at me.

I would just like to say I am gratefull my house did not burn down and that my vehicles now work and That I was Spared a deserved speeding ticket :)
Merry Christmas all :)
Merry Christmas everyone! And remember DUI taks force has been working hard from last month til jan.1 2006... That 5 dollar cab ride beats that $5,000.00 cruiser ride....Have a great time but be safe...
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all. Thanks for all your help and cheers to all the RF staff and Moderator's.
Ho Ho Ho

I have not been the xmas type since Mom Passed but this year I actually caught myself singing xmas songs at work yesterday. Anyways Hope ya all have a safe and happy holiday season.

Like was mentioned several times above if your gonna drink PLEASE dont drive.

Feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all.

I hope of your Christmas wishes come true.
snobanker said:
It's refreshing to see so many people actually use the words "Merry Christmas" to all of you and yours....Merry Christmas! :D
I agree, although, when I say Happy Holidays--I mean it as shorthand for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sorry this is a day late--but been going in circles doing water changes.

BTW-please do not let your fish or corals drive after drinking. :)
