Message from a Dah Idiot.

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2003
Yesterday I decided to remove my rock and start the cooking process. Like a idiot I started to try and remove the ZOOs from there rocks. During the process I felt a few burning sensations. Didn't reall think much of it because of all the small cut I have on my hands. Well to make a long story short after I had removed all the rock and rearranged the coral. I started to feel pretty rough. So I decided to lay down for a few hours (stupid Move) when I awoke i had a massavive head ache, couldnt breathe and my my hands had swollen to twice there size. Mac from Fragexchange convinced me to go to the hospital for a possible reaction to the ZOOs. Good thing I did my temperature hit 104 and I was at the point of not being able to breathe. Had an allergic reaction to the ZOO slime.
Attention Everyone
Alway wear gloves when working in your tank It could save you from a lot of pain and aggrevasion. It couls also save your life.
This stupitidy has now cost me a weeks work and a few days of being majorily sick.. Gloves are on my shopping list and I will being wearing them everytime I put my hands into the tank.

Thanks for Listening

Sorry to hear you had to go through that. I had a reaction myself to toxins that caused my heart rate to skyrocket and my body feel pretty numb in addition to forced breathing.. I bough gloves the next day though they can be such a pain when working on the smaller stuff... Guess it's better than having my heart stop at age 25...

Good message!
I have Heart problems and that is not a good thing. I just hope evertone reads this and rembers.

What ever it is its not very pleasant.
DAH Im Stupid

yeah, really doesn't matter what it is......

i'll definitely get a set of gloves before my big tank move coming up next month. i have quite a few zoo's in my tank that i'll need to cut off rock and all.

i'm glad you decided to go the hospital and get it analyzed. definitely glad it wasn't worse but at the same time we need to learn from your lesson.
Where do you get your gloves from? Any special type of glove? Some gloves come with powder in them so I know I don't need those. Are they just regular kitchen gloves?

I know these are newbie questions.
I wear regular kitchen gloves. You can also get the veterinary sleeves that go up to your shoulder.
Mini I am glad to made it to the hospital. I recall feeling as stupid when I had my experience with zoos a while back. Up until a few weeks ago I still had some numbness in my fingers from my fiasco.
Its been nearly 2 days and Im still not feeling the greatest. My hands are still a bit swollen and one finger is so infected they might have to cut it open to drain it. Hope I get to feelin better soon as this is getting me down. With stupity comes the consequences of your actions. Gloves are on order and should be here this week. Never will I put my hands in a tank without protection.

Holy Crap!

I am glad that you are ok! It should be mandatory that everyone read up on the dangers of zoo's. The worst that I have had, was when I helped Mojo tear down his old tank, and I was doing the same thing. I got a little light headed and my ears went numb :D Since that event I have been a little more careful. I been stung so many times by bristle worms that I am getting more allergic to their little spines. Last time I messed w/ them I really got a handfull and had lots of swollen fingers. I bought some gloves the next day, and now I use them w/ messing w/ stuff like that.

Hope that you get back to full speed soon!
Good to hear its getting better Min, you have to be careful when playing with that stuff.

Tommy sorry I should have told you to wear gloves, sometimes I get lost in the moment.

Min - glad to hear things are getting better. I think it would be a good idea to at least let your doctor know about palytoxin, and also inform him/her of Mycobacterium marinum (see the dangers thread page 2 for more info or click on this link which contains a picture of an infected finger Mycobacterium marinum: The fish disease you could catch). It may help with treatment. Perhaps give the doctor a link to the Reefkeeping Dangers thread.

Keep us posted!
Oh shoot. I have that same thing looks like I got stabbed in the finger.
They have me using RATIO-ECTOSONE REGO Cream for infection. I just thought it was a sliver or something. That is why the one finger is puffed up and hard to bend. My week is getting worst every day.

Min, if it were me, I would tell the doctor about the mycobacterium marinum, so he/she can look into it. Doesn't mean that is what it is, but it should be brought to the doctor's attention. Be an advocate for now have some information that you would like to present or question....use it to your advantage. Let us know how it goes.
Hang in there Min. sometimes you have to tell the Dr. what is wrong with you lol. Hope you recover quickly. Boy this is a tuff lesson, I have some kitchen gloves just in case I decide to move things around.