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Dec 25, 2005
Kresgeville Pa
I have 2 rescue fish - I call them that if you saw the conditions they were living in. Someone who did not want salt anymore left it go. I have read the causes and 'cures' for this but was wondering where I should be looking for improvement first. I do not believe I have had any improvement in the past 2 months but don't know where to look for the first signs. They have it pretty bad head to tail, I am unfamiliar with marine fish disease and could diagnose it quickly.

I have them on selcon and feed 'Julian sprungs' Sea veggies which are Palmaria palmata (red seaweed) and Porphyra umbilicalis (purple seaweed).

I have a yellow tang and a blue angel with it. The tang had the upper fin deteriorating what I got it and that looks fully recovered now.

any input would be appreciated
keep the water quality up in the tank and continue feeding the vitamins as well.... i use Zoe and Zoecon!!! i'm not sure which one of these is the same as selcon, but you should also give them the opposite one of selcon!! i know that was confusing how i worded it!!! definately keep up with the water changes and the vitamins!!!
thanks ronj
Yeah my water is pretty good. I do not have a strick regiment for changes but usally bout 8% - 10% a week or two. I have the ro/di on well pump pressure so it takes a little longer. I think the zoecon is similar to selcon. My LFS has all the mentioned so I will compare labels this weekend. (only time they are open - really great store for corals owner is a marine biologist)
yes, you are right..Zoecon is similar to Selcon...i looked it up..look into the Zoe Marine....keep feeding plenty of greens to them as well..the water quality needs to be in really good shape..the HLLE should begin to reverse itself after all this!!
maybe you could get some pics up? i know that there are alot of smart people here that have been there before and would love to help. i hope that you can get them better.
If it were me I would feed the healthiest food I know, New Life Spectrum Thera A. Try to Keep the best water quality as possible.
Premix your saltwater externally with powerhead, Make sure water is same salinity, and temperature as inside the tank. Never mix salt inside the tank with Animals. I see a lot of fish that have been fed brine shrimp only. The New Life Spectrum has worked for me so far. I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks all - I have read those articles. I always mix salt in a separate container with a power head and usually let it run for at least a day or two. I feed some flake, mysis shrimp, bioplankton, marineplankton with cyclop-eeze and the algae mentioned above. As for species I have a yellow tang which was not quite as bad as the one pictured in the reefkeeping article and from what I can tell a blue king angel but the pic in my book dose not have the stripes continuing into the tail like mine. I will try to get pic posted but they are always on the move -
MHLLE much of the time will be diet and stress related. If you can keep the water quality high and the environment very "easy going", an improved diet will do the rest. Keep an especially close eye out for potential bacterial infections if skin degeneration is deep.

As for foods, ease off the dried/flake foods and meat. Use more fresh frozen and vitamin fortified foods along with daily veggie grazing foods. The tang should get a heavily veggie fortified diet and the angel an amonivor diet leaning more towards the veggie side. Some sponge material would be great for the angel as well. If using fresh sponge, be sure it is frozen for at least two weeks to kill any potential parasites.

Both will greatly benefit from Beta Glucan.

I have been keeping an eye out for secondaries so far none. I figured when the tangs upper fin recovered we would be on the road to recovery. I will get some better foods this weekend and look for the beta glucan. I do not know what they were fed previously but the tank conditions where I got them from was very poor IMO. They both have very healthy appetites for sure. I was also wondering what area would be the first to recover ie lateral line by the tail working up to the head area or just a general recovery all over.

Thanks Everyone
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You will see a general "abating" of the condition but (the fins aside) you will not see any specific area of the body clear up. In fact, with more severe cases the fish are left scared and will not fully heal. Would need to see clearly defined pics of the fish to give you a better answer.

I will try to get some tonight but I think wifey took the camera so will have to wait for her return.
Thanks again

- oh look there is a 210 gal tank in my basement!!
eeewwww!! that looks really bad on the angel.. the tang doesn't look severe though..did you ever get your other vitamins???
the tang is bad the pic just does not show it well. My LFS for salt is only open in the weekend so That is when I will pick up more supps.
the tang looked bad, but not as bad as the angel.. i could only see the white on the lateral line of the tang and a little white on its face..definately try to keep the water quality in top shape and feed lots of greens and vitamins!! keep us updated!! hope they get better man!
Yeah I hope they come around too. They are a little better than when I got them but not much. I was in the LFS (freshwater) and bought the last 5 angels - not that I needed them nor really wanted them just a mercy buy. The tank conditions are really bad there. I found homes for some of them while the rest just call the 100 home till I find them homes.
There is definately going to be a fair amount of scaring on the angel. The tang as well but not bas easily noticed due to coloration. Proper food types are just as important as the vitamins and HUFA so please be sure to provide properly from each group.

Where you able to find the Beta Glucan? Your local health food store should have it.

I have just picked up zoe, zoecon, and seaweed at the lfs and going by a drugstore on my way to a wedding this afternoon to check for the beta glucan.