Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club working on another Conference for 2007.

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Ed Hahn

Life is A Highway...
Jan 27, 2004
Kennewick, Wa
The Midcolumbia Club is working on another Conference this year. :D
The date will depend on Speakers availability. I will try to keep you up to date.
Please forgive me if this is not the right place to ask, but how do I join the Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club? I live in Yakima and your club seems to be the one closest to where I live. Also, please let me know what the dues are, etc. Thanks!
Please forgive me if this is not the right place to ask, but how do I join the Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club? I live in Yakima and your club seems to be the one closest to where I live. Also, please let me know what the dues are, etc. Thanks!

Here is link to website for tri-cities (midcolumbia saltwater club).


John G is president. He is TylerG on MSAC forum.
He is Ragman in here(reef frontiers)
I hope to see you at a meeting,
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Next meeting should be on Friday, March 9th at 7pm at Nate and Colleen's. All are welcome, membership can be had at any meeting (membership follows the calendar year) but is not required. We usually have a pretty good turnout.

Ask on the forum at the link Ed posted if you want directions.
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Yaka-vegas reefer

I'm also a reefer in Yakima. I've got a homemade 210 gal fish with LPS and soft corals. What do you have?
Hello Myfin,
Well, I have a 90 gallon tank with about a 30 gallon sump. Right now it's FOWLR/LS but I plan on having some corals, probably mostly soft corals (but you never know what might catch my fancy). The tank has only been set up for about seven weeks, and I'm watching my parameters carefully so that I can be a little more condfident that I won't have any problematic fluctuations after I purchase my more delicate stuff. I bought the whole setup new and I was pretty proud of myself for setting it up and doing the plumbing, etc. I can't imagine building a homemade one. I just found out that I shouldn't have bought that sailfin tang, because he'll grow to be too large for my 90 gal. Hopefully it'll be several years before I need to get larger living quarters for him.
I put in a yellow, purple and red sea sailfin tang at the same time and the sailfin is now 3" bigger than the other tangs. They started out the same size. I feed them a nice variety of food. FOWLR was my main starting goal and then moved on to the soft then LPS. For lighting I have VHO 880W actinic and 50/50 (~4 watts) What kind of lighting do you have? You are correct in going slow with corals in a new tank. Mines tank is only 2 years old. I'm learning more about this hobby every day.
I have an Aqualight Pro fixture from Coralife, the one with two 250 watt metal halides and two 96 watt actinics (and 4 lunar LEDs). I'm hoping that that's going to be enough lighting for some corals. I think I am also interested in mostly soft corals, at least at first.

I have to train myself not to feed too much, I believe, before I even think about LPS or SPS corals. I wouldn't want algae growing on them! Right now, I think my protein skimmer (a Euro Reef) is saving my tank. My fishes are consummate beggars and I tend to spoil them a bit. I, too, like to feed a large variety of foods, mostly frozen, and sometimes I buy fresh at the grocery store for both myself and my fish.

Just this week I bought a tiny pulsing xenia and some green star polyps. I'm keeping my finger crossed that all will go okay. They sure liven up the tank with bright color and movement.
You have massive quantity of light. Do you think you will have any problem with high heat in Yakima's summer heat? You can keep any coral you want. What is your kelvin rating on your MH (metal halide) lights? Keep your soft corals low in the tank. How long do you keep your MH lights on?
The more you feed the faster they grow. The fish will not fight or have much aggression with the other fish because of the quanity of food.
What kind of fish to you currently have? Corals grow faster with more light and more food.
My new additions are a squamosa clam and an orange linka starfish.
The starfish (gumbo)is nice to watch cruise around the tank. My goal is to care for an elegant coral and long spine urchin in the future. I have had a failure with both already.
Yes, I know I'll be having some difficulty with the heat. I've been keeping the place at about 65 degrees and at first, the temperature in the tank was rising above 80. I put a fan behind the fixture to help move the heat away from the tank and I also am leaving one half of the glass top flipped back to allow more evaporative cooling. This has allowed me to keep the temp between 77 and 80 degrees. I either will be buying a chiller or building an automatic water addition unit very soon. I shudder to think about the cooling bill this summer!

My fish are the sailfin tang, a small maroon clown (my Mom's fish - she fell in love with it - says I'm boarding it for her), a six-line wrasse and a couple of neon gobies (one of whom is living in the overflow because I can't catch him, yet. I don't know how he got there, but he seems well-nourished and doesn't appear to want back in the display tank. I think the six-line was being a bully). I also have some snails, a couple of blue legged hermit crabs, a couple of cleaner shrimp and two large featherduster worms. I'm sure there are many more things that I don't know about, yet. I have seen a crab a couple of times. I found it at night and it appeared to be eating algae. I'm hoping its an emerald crab. It is a pale jade green and has beady little orangish red eyes. I can spend hours at night with a flashlight and a magnifying glass; so many things to see and wonder about. It's kinda hard to get up to go to work the next day sometimes.

I wish you luck with the clam and the starfish. I've read that linkias are rather difficult to keep, but great detritivores. The mantles on some of the clams are absolutely gorgeous. I had a hitchhiker urchin in a past tank. It grew too large and began knocking things over. I eventually brought it to the LFS, but I don't think they sold it to anyone.

Oh, I reread my reply and realized that I didn't include the info about the lights. The MH are "10,000K Super Daylight double-ended HQI". I hope I can find replacements when I need them! I keep them on for eight hours. The actinics are on for twelve hours, with two hours before the MH and two after. I have the star polyps at about 1/3 of the way up from the sand. They are fully open most of the time, so I think they are liking things okay there. The xenia are just an inch or so above the sand in an area with good flow. I can't tell if they're happy there, yet. From what you say, I'm glad I didn't place things up higher in the tank! Thanks for your input.
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Your lighting system will let you keep any kind of coral you want. I opted for my VHO lights v.s. MH because of the heat question in Yakima. Sound like you are doing a good job keeping the tempertures in check. I keep my temperture ~78 F I get my most temperture variation in the spring and in the fall when I tend to keep the AC off and the windows open during the day and/ or night.
I also had a hitchhiking crab. He grew to 4". He was fun to watch. He turned super aggressive at feeding time. He also went to the LFS. They said it was sold and they killed it in 3 weeks.
My tank has red sea sailfin 6", regal tang 7", blue spot kole tang 4", yellow and purple tangs 4", magnificent foxface 7", and a pair of gold stripe maroons.
More corals are soft and LPS of various types.
I have an inexpensive top off RO/DI system to keep my tank toped off.
Do you shop on line for equipment and livestock?
Myfin and Treefan,
I hope you guys visit sometime. This thread was intended to update people on The MSAC Conference this year. Its a meeting where we try to get as many Hobbyist together as possible. We are getting a little off topic.
Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club is waiting to hear back from speakers to set a date for this year.
Can you please start another thread somewhere else?
Here is the latest.
The club is considering getting two big hitters this year. The goal is to do this possibly June or July of 2007. We are asking LFS that would like to sponsor this to contact us now. The plan again is to get as many hobbyist together in a organized manner. I mean anyone that wants to attend.
I think you will like the names of final two as guest speakers.
Its gonna happen....

The Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club is proud to present Mike Palleta and Sanjay Joshi on July 21st, 2007. I repeat the Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Conference will be held July 21st of 2007. This is guaranteed to be a good time. I will try to keep you up to date as things happen.:)
Ok, Meeting last night was really cool. Here is the lastest From The President of Midcolumbia Saltwater.

Hello All,

Well after the first planning meeting, we have some info on the conference. the Dates are July 20-21. We will begin with a social on Friday night at Rick and Barbies house, probably potluck, with Nacho and Carmine doing some BBQing. We also are hoping to get a fragging demo from Kevin Pockell from Aquatic Dreams. Saturday will start with breakfast at the Clarion hotel, a tank tour(if you want on tour, let us know), followed by our guest speakers, Sanjay and Mike Palletta at the Battelle Auditorium. Saturday night will be held at the Clarion Hotel and Conference center, for dinner, silent auction, Raffles, and all around good time. Tickets will be priced as follow;

MCSAC Members
Individual $35
Family $45

Individual $45
Family $55

This price will cover costs for entry into all events as well as dinner Saturday night. We are working on a website for the conference, as well as flyers.. We still need help in a few areas, so if you would like to help, let me know. I'll keep everyone posted as more info becomes available.

the above was from Ragman