Mikey's New Toy

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Wow what a host. Mike your tank is alway worth looking at. The new rock work is a plus.
PS. What was in them Brownies. Man I had supper powers.
Tank has a lot more fish swimming room with the softys gone. Next need to catch inverts and mandarin for tank treatment. The shelves are still covered in frags though. Todays shot:

what a great tank just woundering about your blue green cromies mine are pretting lively being bullies can you help
Its time for a update Mike " Please". How you been pal, hope all is well.
PS I think I forgot about you ( sorry ). I will get up soon and change out that valve for ya.
With that said lets see some pics D#% it.
Been a real struggle in the SPS tank for many months.
Without thinking, took too much rock and filter feeders out for the new softy tank while adding a fish to the display. Then while tending to wife's brken wrist, didn't notice the skimmer got plugged with chaeto due to breakdown from fuge light going bad last Feb/March. Nitrates and phospates skyrocketed while PH, DKH and ORP plumeted. Lost no fish but a few inverts and many corals RTN from bottom up; one per day it seemed.

LOTs of water changes, lots of carbon, all my phospate media, added a huge canister filter for more surface area. Added 6 emerald crabs and another 40 snails. Finally started running ozone and since then, all healing and some growth (Ozone is amazing!)

Hair and bubble Algae growth has greatly slowed. Lost a lot of frags and 3-4 colonies but saved the tank.

Softy tank is kicking a$$ and SPS display is now rapidly improving. Pics later.
i'm glad to hear that the tank is getting better dood :) ....if you ever want some more sps let me know dood, i'd be more than happy to share :)
Thanks Gabs, you are very sweet. I still have many dozen corals. Some did fine in the nutrient cycle, Montis grew well including danaes. The rainbow is taking over the tank;)
mike ,i had a frag of rainbow stylo for you just to cheer you up from tank recovery,no trade no cash,let me know when you want it:)

Thanks Steven and Dang, that is very nice of you. I have always admired your corals. I'm pretty proud that I kept the tank from fully crashing. Sure took a lot of time and materials though. Wouldn't have been a problem except for choosing fish that grow big and man have the tangs and angel put on some growth.

Live and learn. The funny part, started with pulling out some rock to set up an invert tank to treat the display for an infestation:rolleyes::lol:

The lesson learned, if everything is doing very well, don't change anything.
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