Mikey's New Toy

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Thanks Gabby. Hows the new baby doing and the move going?

we havent' moved yet :p, yesterday was the house inspection so now it's all about the papers so hopefully we'll be moving in pretty soon and i hope they leave what my husband found in the garage :D .
Olivia is doing good dood, gettign bigger and fatter just like her mommy :p :D.
hehe ... ohh dood... it's very sweet reef candies :D....ok fine i'll say it but the guy might take them with him :(:cry: i'll call myself lucky if he leaves them, it's 2 210 gals glass tanks, already drilled, closed loops and pumps:D and thank you dood.
Looks good Mike. Wow, that was a fast setup. It was all just in the planning, what 2 months ago (?) when I saw your old tank.
it's 2 210 gals glass tanks, already drilled, closed loops and pumps:D and thank you dood.

Ohmygaawd! Tell him you are willing to store them for him @ $100 a month or he can leave them for free. You have my fingers crossed.

Looks good Mike. Wow, that was a fast setup. It was all just in the planning, what 2 months ago (?) when I saw your old tank.

Yep, 2 1/2 months ago, you and Matt came over on the PSP caravan from the far far north. I was planning on moving downstairs where it was cooler into the smaller 72 bow. Matt and yourself told me NEVER to go smaller, that larger is the only way. Started shopping the next day. Agreed to buy Marty's 180 couple weeks later but had a mother and a daughter to move in two separate moves and was unbelievably busy. Wanted to set the tank up so bad could taste it. The good part, waiting 2 months made it cheaper to get parts or find awesome equipment.

Now to find some strong neighbors (or one) to move the 90 outside for cleaning, stand rebuilding and selling. Will be down to the 180 and the 72 bow as a QT or clown breeder good Karma willing. Has been in the same spot so long, has no carpet underneath and the salt creep has cemented it to the house:lol: :lol:
Hey Mike, do you know how old that flame scallop is? I love those, especially the "electric" ones. I resigned myself to not getting one due to spot feeding and that they don't typically live very long. What's your experience with it?
Hey dude! The scallop is a bullet proof animal. Have never bothered spot feeding it and it is growing and pumping away. Who is responsible for the spot feeding of them in the wild?? Also recently got a couple small Maxima clams. We will see how they do after Mr Majestic gets moved into the main tank in a few weeks. Hopefully he ignores the bivalves in lieu of seeing lunch! Ditto with the new tangs. Got medium sized Navarchus , Dejardini tang, and hippo tang in QT.
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do you feed your tank DT's or anything? I keep hearing that you have to feed scallops DT's or else they'll die.
Tank is very rich in all kinds of life mixed together. Lots of nutrients and no more sock filtration or water scrubbers. It is a fairly mature scallop, about 3"+ from front to back. It is in the sand. Moved himself around until it found a place it liked and glued itself in place. I feed the tank different flakes, Mysis, frozen blender-ed stir fry mix (clams, scallops, squid, shrimp, etc), and an occasional squirt or two of Liquify Marine (some old style egg protein, etc based stuff). I also put a bit of powdered foods in occasionally. such as Reef roids, OSI micro, . These are different brands. Mostly stuff accumulated through the years. My general philosophy is the better the variety, the better the nutrition. Corals are growing, fish are healthy and happy, inverts thriving, shrooms, zoas, and rics propagating, and the scallop has grown 10-20% in the last year I had it. HAVE NEVER ONCE SPOT FED IT. It finds all it needs and wants in the water from detritus and misc particulate foods. Hand feeding phyto to the young maxima clams and started adding some Kent Zooplex. I got a 32 oz container included with some live rock.

After reading that excellent artical, seems that the scallop found a good place and is happy filtering out small enough foods out of the water to thrive. I have some pretty major water flow for the typical sandy bottomed tank and the sand is constantly being dug up and moved around by a sand star, conchs, misc other snails and hermits, a lawnmower blenny, and the changing currents. Running two SEIO 2600s with a controller plus the pan-? pump return and once or twice a day, turn on my Iwaki 40rlxt hooked up to a spray bar. Fuge full of mixed caulurpa and chyto. Never a day that some particulates are not being stirred up for at least an hour. I can not imagine a scallop surviving a sediment free tank.
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Thanks Doc! (I really love your avatar!)

Need to take some new pics. The corals have really colored up since giving them halides and better flow. Have added a few dozen new frags, a couple small colonies, and a coule small clams. Spend too much time moving stuff around as I discover chemical wars or different flow/lighting needs. Getting pretty close to where I want it.
your tank looks great. I see a rock that is familiar nice zoo shelf you made out of it.. I cant believe I missed this thread completely.

now seeing what you have done with your 180 mabe I should... nah I cant I dont think the circuit breakers in the apartment can handle the 180 + I think I would get killed by the sig. other. but If I took down all my other tanks.. hmmmm

anyways very nice set up. I will have to come see it in person one of these days.
Larry, both the shelves on the right hand side of the tank were from you. As was the sinularia, red and maroon shrooms, some of the zoas... You are welcome in my house any time.
i forgot how good that tank looks Mike!!!! that looks like alot of well spent time!! how long have you had the plating monti's??i am going to get some, i think..is it a fast grower??
I love plating monti's: all monti's! The larger green came from Finn, the smaller green and red mix came from domclav, the largest purple fringed green came from Tracy who got it from Finn, and got a bright orange from Paul H.
Also have some misc bricght colored digi from Paul and a nice superman from Colleen. REALLY need to take new pictures!

Yes, given fair water flow and excellent lighting, they are fast growers. I have seen them grow quickly in poorer quality water, that was very well lit.