Mojo Anemone Help

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
Hi, currently my tank suffer an explosion from the mojo anemone, not sure how to kill it, they spawned like crzay:Cry:. I've used chemical to kill it no use. Need your recommendations, people told me that use filefish or kal paste...Never tried neither of them. Ideas???
I assume you mean Majano Anemone? They can be killed with Kalk Paste, as long as you can get to them and as long as your tank is completely over run with them. Kalk paste is made up using Pickling Lime and RO/DI water. Mix it to a toothpaste consistency and inject the anemone with a syringe.

Another option is a specific filefish. Tomentosus Filefish work great! However, they aren't 100% reef safe. They will eradicate Majano and Aptasia anemone but MIGHT also go after Zoanthids. I've had good luck with 2 different Tomentosus Filefish. One never touched any corals at all. One did nip at a few Zoanthids but as soon as I moved it to a different tank, never looked at any of the Zoanthids in that tank. I have heard of one person who had this same type of Filefish nipping at his SPS but this is very rare.
sounds like aiptasia to me majanos dont spread like crazy, aiptasia spread like crazy. pic pic pic even cell phone pic will work
I bought berghia nudibranch from the above poster crazyfish253 and they ERADICATED them. Gone forever! all the rest of the solutions are hit and miss as far what will eat them, and as far as killing them manualy its a real p.i.t.a and you can NEVER get to all the ones you WILL NOT see in crevices and behind rock etc. but yeah, kalk paste, hot water etc injected in them will make them disapear from at least from what your eyes can see...for now. what you don't see is the microscopic cells left behind to make new ones and how they break off and float around your tank waiting to land on a new home.
One thing people often overlook is shutting down their pumps or power heads while using Kalk, zapping them, adiptasia X, etc. They shoot spores to live. If you shut down water movement you are slowing down the process of them repopulating. Good luck! Ed :)
+1 on the Matted Filefish, definitely the most effective complete removal of Mojano Anemones IME. Only when Mojano's were gone did mine go after other specific zoa/paly species.

Cheers, Todd
Majano Anemone are easy to remove. All you need is a siphon and a box cutter blade and just scrape the bottom and they'll let go off the rock and just siphon it out. Good thing about them is they don't have spoors like aiptasia . I had a couple hitch hikers the other day and that's all I did.
had a customer tank that had hundreds of them...
we introduced a copperbanded butterfly,
ate them all within a matter of 2 months.
the only thing is they are a very persnickety fish to acclimate.
if i remember correctly i think the racoon butterflys will eat them too,
but research that one...
if i remember correctly i think the racoon butterflys will eat them too,
but research that one...

Had a tank about 15 years ago that became infested with the majanos and aptasia's. Added a racoon and a kleins butterfly and never had a problem after that with those pests. However they did pick all the skirts off all the button polyps in the tank.

Over the years I've tried just about every chemical/house hold ingredient posted on the forums. Some seemed to work for a while. You had to do it more than just once. It's also best to not wait untill the tank becomes overrun with them before reappling.

I also have tried bergias and they work, but as soon as they are gone, the aptasias seem to come back.
I currently have a matted file fish in my 240. When I added it, the tank had many, many aptasias and majanos.
I guy once told me, "he didn't think aptasias grew that big".
At the moment, there are none in the tank at all.
Not sure what would happen if I take the file fish out.....
Copperbands should be more coral freindly than Racoon Butterflyfish.

If you do use kalk paste, you could add a few peppermint shrimp. They may keep the new aiptasia in check.
I'm pretty sure it is majano anemones because the one I have is a green polyp. Does anyone have berghia nudibranch for sale???? Man it destroys my polyps and now it's heading to almost any coral it met. File Fish and Butterfly are good choices but I'm afraid it will spread ick.... Should I quarantine them first?
Berghia Nudibranchs will not eat Majano Anemones. They only eat Aiptasia.

Any fish you add does have the potential for introducing Ich so should be quarantined.

Majano are more easily removed, manually, than Aiptasia, if you can reach them or remove the rocks that they are on. Using a butter knife, you can easily pop them off of the rock.
I relocated a rock to my sump. Just noticed some Mojanos thriving on it. Big suckers!
I had a battle with majono for a LONG time. I used kalk paste, aptasia x, ingected boiling water on them, none of it worked. I bought a file fish and he ate em all quickly. Im not sure what hes eating now, i dont have any majono and all my coral seems to be ok. I have never had a problem with aptasia. Ive had a couple pop up here and there when i first got in the hobby, but they just dissapeared. I would go with natural predation, ie. file fish.
Majano Anenomes

Ive had a problem with Mojo's (Majano) anemones for a while now. I've tried an electric wand and high powered lasers. Although these seem to annoy them, they don't kill them. Kalk injections work eventually but takes about 5 hits. For small pieces of rock that you can lift out of the aquarium, I've found a method that works very effectively and quickly.