ok, so this is the basement of the new house we are building. as you can see in "scale" drawing the fish room and tank will be situated in one corner of the room. The tank will be 60x??x24" cubish style like the tedinator's tank. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=513472 what I need is some more brains on the project so I can make sure we have everything done at the time of construction so that I dont have to re-engineer anything once the house is done. I plan on having the tank viewable on three sides with all the plumbing ran through the wall into the fish room behind the tank. The lighting system will be on some sort of a rail system(need design help here) so that it can be retracted or whatever it needs to be so that I can completely move it off the tank for aquascaping or whatever it may be. I need idears on the flow(MOJO) and I wish I could get away with streams but I don't think it is going to be possible with 3-sides viewable. The lighting heat will be vented outside, the fishroom itself will have a vent and fan to get rid of humidity, not really sure how I am going to measure this or work out the plumbing of it. Lastly, I plan on having the chiller outside in a little enclosure of some sort so I need some thoughts on how to plumb that. I would like to use rubbermaid troughs for the sump and skimmer compartment as they are easy to get and I dont need lots of sophistication in that department. I plan on running 4 lumenarcs and some VHO's for twilight lighting.