montipora and acro fadding

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Jun 1, 2006
I am puzzle by my corals that seem to be dieing ...the tips are starting to turn white on my acros and my montipora digitata seems to be real bad....but only my purple one the orange and green don't seem to be bother my it all my parameters are good
tellus everything about the tank. lights flow any changes since it happened. could be chemical. could be something leaking into the water.
If all your parameters are okay my next question would be, how old are your lights?

I had a simular problem couple months back when I realized my lights were a year old, so I changed them. Problem gradually got better and today back where I was 4 months ago.

Are they losing tissue? Do the digitatas just have white tip with good polyp extension?

To help I need to know curently what exactly are the water parameters and what brand of test kit gave you those results. Also how old is the aquarium, is there sand, how often do you do water changes, how old are the lamps, how large is the aquarium and how many fish are in the reef.

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303 (personal cell)
[email protected]
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kahunakatz said:
To help I need to know curently what exactly are the water parameters and what brand of test kit gave you those results. Also how old is the aquarium, is there sand, how often do you do water changes, how old are the lamps, how large is the aquarium and how many fish are in the reef.

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303 (personal cell)
[email protected]

What the heck does sand have anything to do with it?

my tank is a 180 gallon ...a close loop set up with a dart pump ...3 250 watt xm bulb they are 6 months old..I also have a asm g5 skimmer in the sump the sump size is a 75 gallon rubber maid container calcium is at 440 alk is 12.5 and my magniseium is 1300 test are done with a saifert test kit....added a few weeks ago rowaphos but the test kit is on back order every thing was doing great but started slowly seeing a decline about a month ago...that is why I added rowaphas to the set up
IMO the alkalinity is too high. I would lower it to 8 dKh. Often corals turning white from the tips down is from too much light but not after 6 months unless there was a sudden change in water clarity.

High temperature (+84F) can also cause some coral to lose tissue while others can withstand temperatures several degrees higher.

Changes in salt brands can also cause tissue loss on some corals.

I asked about sand because many people who have gone bare bottom have reported their SPS loosing color. The idea is that bare bottom tanks loose Nutrients, Amino Acids as opposed to Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Having more fish helps the coral get its color back because most SPS can feed upon the bacteria in the fecal matter of the fish and their unprocessed waste. So bare bottom tanks with a lack of fish often have less vibrant starving SPS than bare bottom tanks with more fish. Not to get to far off base but obviously if you have to many fish Nitrates will get to high and you will have brown SPS.

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303
[email protected]
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I added my asm g5 skimmer about 2 months ago you think its because I skim to much...maybe the lights are easier to penntrate threw the water now...I hope this is only temperary....but its only my purple digita and the tips of my acros

At the risk of sounding redundant how much sand do you have in the tank, how many fish and how often do you feed. Also what are your Nitrate and Phosphate levels? Kevin already mentioned it but temp could be a stresser, what is the current temp fluctuation?

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303 (personal cell)
[email protected]
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my tank has a fake sand bed....but in the refugium it is 6 inch deep in a 35 gallon tank... the phosphate can not measure it yet the local reef store has none in tank temp does drift from 79 to 82 between night and day... nitrate are undectable

In my opinion we may be zeroing in on the problem or at least part of the problem with the fake sand bed. How many fish do you have and how often do you feed them. My guess is that without a sand bed the little bit of fish waste there is gets filtered before the Acros and Montis can benefit from it. In my estimation it is important to know how much you are feeding the fish and how many fish you have. Your tank may just be to clean for SPS, in a 'certain' sense.

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz
(800) 764-0884
(425) 761-6303
[email protected]
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For a second, I thought sand was getting blamed again...


Had to defend that.

every aquarium problem there's the sand's fault

i know ilham, everyone always blames the sand..i get that alot with the skimmers too. i think they're both like any other tool, innocent, except for the minds behind them:lol:
what I have is a powder brown tang a copper band butterfly a flame hawk a six linne wrasse 2 small gobys a lawn mower blenny a belarus angel ...that is all I have in my 180 gallon tank
Any chance we are just seeing a tank that has "dialed-in" and the SPS is now really happy and settled and he's just seeing growth tips? Any pics available? Probably not, but I just thought something so simple should be checked off the list of possible scenarios. I think Don was trying to go here.
You know, seems to me I have heard something about too much phosphate remover getting to the corals.