More on ocean acidification

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
FYI in the latest issue of Scientific American (August 2010) there's an excellent article on ocean acidification by Hardt and Safina. I couldn't attach a pdf file of the article to this post...perhaps someone more tech-savvy than I can teach me how to do it.

Instead of attaching someone else's stuff here, why don't you post your own ideas on the subject matter and ask for a discusson.
Instead of attaching someone else's stuff here, why don't you post your own ideas on the subject matter and ask for a discusson.

Oh please, not that again. The material I forward is far better written than anything I can add to it.
Instead of attaching someone else's stuff here, why don't you post your own ideas on the subject matter and ask for a discusson.

Oh please, not that again. The material I forward is far better written than anything I can add to it.

Ha ha ha :lol: I think he's already gotten enough crap from all of us about that!

The fact that most of his prior "beneficial" posts have been removed from the forum must have not been a strong enough clue.....

At least this post contains something other than just a link.
I'll give him a little credit on this one; at least he's recommending a good read. I almost literally had to pull some teeth out to give him any credit at all...but I did.
I'll give him a little credit on this one; at least he's recommending a good read. I almost literally had to pull some teeth out to give him any credit at all...but I did.

Gee, thanks for the 'credit' makes me feel so proud to be accepted by such an august body as Reef Frontiers.:badgrin:
The drop in Puget Sound PH (acidification) is the suggested cause of no oyster spawn for the last three years among other problems. Rising CO2 levels is going to be quite the game changer...
Gee, thanks for the 'credit' makes me feel so proud to be accepted by such an august body as Reef Frontiers.:badgrin:

Yeah yeah...relax, we're just flippin you crap. You are obviously passionate and intelligent; you could always converse with us about these topics. After all, they do affect ALL of us. This is a forum...

The drop in Puget Sound PH (acidification) is the suggested cause of no oyster spawn for the last three years among other problems. Rising CO2 levels is going to be quite the game changer...

It what areas are they seeing this? One of my favorite things to do with the wife and friends is to rent a cabin in Hood Canal and have a massive oyster feast. I would really hate to see that negatively affected.
Yeah yeah...relax, we're just flippin you crap. You are obviously passionate and intelligent; you could always converse with us about these topics. After all, they do affect ALL of us. This is a forum...

I didn't expect to be 'hazed' upon joining RF. Oh well, I'm glad we've at least started a discussion about ocean acidification. Seems like most of the research so far on this topic has been in temperate seas. God knows what it's doing to the coral reefs, but it's probably not good. I'm probably one of the few who gets their seawater from the Seattle Aquarium...I should probably start testing that water before using it for partial water changes. Wonder if bodies of freshwater are acidifying too?

I think one message we should all take from this (in case you haven't already) is that we all need to reduce our fossil fuel use in any way we can, try to persuade others to do the same, and pressure our lawmakers to push for climate change legislation.

Oh, and if anyone can show me how to attach a pdf of the Sci Am article to a posting, please let me know.
i cant believe you guys got nothing better to do than to sit around and troll his posts like this... i mean, ....really???
do you really care?? all the stupid crap that people post here these days and your gunna nut up on this guy??
so what if he's trying to make 50 posts... at least he's intelligent and cares about the reefs....that's more than i can say for alot of

i cant believe you guys got nothing better to do than to sit around and troll his posts like this... i mean, ....really???
do you really care?? all the stupid crap that people post here these days and your gunna nut up on this guy??
so what if he's trying to make 50 posts... at least he's intelligent and cares about the reefs....that's more than i can say for alot of


Wow, you're really a malcontent, aren't you?
The fact that most of his prior "beneficial" posts have been removed from the forum must have not been a strong enough clue.....

At least this post contains something other than just a link.

Gee, I actually feel honored that I've been 'censored' means that I'm making things uncomfortable for the status quo, and it can sure use it. :badgrin:
i cant believe you guys got nothing better to do than to sit around and troll his posts like this... i mean, ....really???
do you really care?? all the stupid crap that people post here these days and your gunna nut up on this guy??
so what if he's trying to make 50 posts... at least he's intelligent and cares about the reefs....that's more than i can say for alot of


I really have to agree with this. Here at RF we want folks to take the time to get 50 posts before using the FS forums so we can get to know them. Yet lately just about whatever someone new posts they get comments like "use the search tool" and other negatives. If I was to try to join RF as a newbie (whether to saltwater aquaria or forums for that matter) I would be very intimidated.
I guess what I am trying to say is, how can we make new friends on here if we attack everyone new who makes mistakes in the hobby or forum etiquette?

Just my two cents that I couldn't help but throw in.