no prob...
i was actually pretty p.o.'d by the peanut gallery attack on your seacology thread... but it was deleated before i could post.
basically in a nutshell i said something like;
DONT ANYONE dictate to me or others WHAT this website is for... (unless your name is Chuck)
and dont just go around parroting what the mods say, let them do their job...
it's obvious there are plenty of bloated sheeple here who just want to spew a bunch of garbage that would clog an otherwise normal thread, and then go sell a bunch of crap, but if that's what they want to do, then let the simpletons revel in their's not hurting you... you guys are likening it to blight in a neighborhood, i say dont look at it...if your really so bothered by it. because reading peoples obnoxious criticism about people's posts is just as, if not more offensive most times than the original "offending" post.
(case in point,
this post :idea:
and spiffluk has hardly posted ANYTHING so offensive as to merrit such a freak out from the aforementioned peanut gallery. before the whole 50 post thing, everyone would have been like "oh cool link man, thanks bro!!"
and as for the suggestions that spiffluk needs to contribute more?
i would say we need to keep or minds on or own "contributions".
are we really turning into a race of trolls??? (dont answer that)