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I am finally getting my dedicated outlets ran for my 240 Thursday!! I am very excited! I have been out looking at tanks to treat the fish in the main..If I go with a 55, I will only be able to treat half the fish at one time..With a 75, I can treat all of them at once...I also came across the Rubbermaid stock tanks..$80. for a 100 gallon stock tank. What I don't like about those is you cannot see through them:mad: I assume they are safe and not treated with any harmful chemicals? I thought about moving the Tangs into the Rubbermaid since they seem fine [ Whiteface had a tiny pimple like spot on his side a couple of days ago but it is now gone..Hippo is hard to see, hides a lot..looks good but does have a couple spots on its head. Hard to tell what it is but I am not sure I am too concerned about a couple of spots] I could then use the Rubbermaid to mix my water
As far as treatment for the fish from the main... I am still debating. The only one that shows any signs of parasites is the Raccoon..He still gets those tiny,tiny white specks. They come and go and don't seem to cause much distress. He is eating and behaving normal. I do plan to treat all the fish but I do dread the dips:rolleyes: I was thinking of using the Formalin in the qt...I know this is not the preferred way to use this but the thought of dipping all those fish:eek: I also thought about using the Paraguard on these fish since they are not as bad as the Tangs and Paraguard is not as harsh [supposedly] I believe the main has Trichodinosis [sp?] or some very tiny copepods..The spots on the Raccoon do not look at all like what the Tang had. I also thought about using Fluke tabs [organophosphate] but will have to order them..Anyway..I don't really want to have to leave these fish in qt for a month, I am hoping whatever it is can be cured with one dip or treatment. Any thoughts or input appreciated!
Thanks, Kim
Hard call on the stock tanks. Like you say, hard to see into them and visually inspect the fish. Personally I would do this in stages. The 240 will be ready soon and the fish remaining in the old display tank are in no hurry or urgent need (?).

Personally I would do another series of formalin dips and run the Prazi 10 days prior to transfering the Bfly/tang to the 240. Also be sure this is nothing else. You need to be sure that parasites unaffected by these two meds are not the culprit.

I would hold off on the organophosphate, insecticides are rather nasty and I think the first round of formalin dips did rather well. This could simpley be a stragler.

Kim - I also would do it in stages. You will be able to get a better view of the fish being in the glass tanks. Also, another part of my thinking, is to avoid getting all the fish into the 240 at once after treatment. By doing it in stages, you will allow the bacterial populations build up gradually in the 240, by doing half the fish, then the next half.

Let me know if you need any help :)
Okay....heres the plan! Having the electric work done tomorrow...I have [I hope] found a 75 gallon tank [calling about it tonight] I am dipping all the fish from the display, placing them in qt, treating the tank with Prazipro, dipping the Bttrfly, Argi's, and Clowns two more times and the Wrasses once more before the move..With this size tank, I will be able to observe them for awhile before moving them. I think the issue in my main will be easy compared to what the Tangs had. The Butterfly is the only one with specks [a handful to none at times] So I think defeating this will be a snap
knock on wood!!!
I'll keep everyone posted....maybe get some pics with my cheap camera:D