Mouse's 125 peninsula dream + 2

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Thank you Harrison for the really nice frags for the tank warming gift today!!
Heres the two frags A tri color and a green milli..
your very welcome adam and its always a pleasure to talk with you and our wife! ALSO me me witnessed the first coral droppings into the the tank haha :D
yea crystal is so excited she can't help herself?
I told her what ever she kills is on her..
I'll continue to add slowly over the next month or so starting with softies and so on..
Tested the tank perams today
PH 8.1
nirtites 0
trAtes less than 5
ammonia 0
calcium 380 (test is bad I think)
MAG 1250
KH 9
temp holds at a steady 77 with all pumps and lights on..
heater has to turn on every once in a while..
skimmer is not skimming much (not much in there to skimm yet)
Starting the brown algae bloom.
got the snails just in time.
BTW I have now a clean up crew.
I have 36 turbos
24 nassarius (speeling)
12 nerite (spelling)
12 Ceriths (spelling)
one STAR snail (he's cool)
and 4 emerald crabs..
I'm going "hermitless" in this tank...
Tank warming party

April 18th after the PSAS frag swap meeting will be my tank warming party..

Figured theere will be alot of people down from the north and this would be a perfect time to have a party..
Got lots of room in my sumps to keep your frags warm till you leave to go home...

So I need to update the pics a little
I have all my levels still good so I had to get the ACRO's away from my clown gobys
So there are at the bottom of the tank in the shadows for a few days to get acclimated to the light
Mohawks and snail eggs




Wow. I just plowed through all 25 pages and it looks great. Congrats on the build. You indeed have a truly unique set-up.

Thanks guys. TOM is right.
It really needs to be seen to believe.
Heres a pic of 5 kids and my wife eating pizza at the "BAR" last night..
To get an Idea of the size and purpose of this thing..
That is so cool, I bet the kids really enjoy it :) Have you had any snails lay eggs on the glass yet? It is pretty funny my youngest thinks it's cool seeing the patterns that the snails will lay their eggs in.
Thanks guys. TOM is right.
It really needs to be seen to believe.
Heres a pic of 5 kids and my wife eating pizza at the "BAR" last night..
To get an Idea of the size and purpose of this thing..

wow!!never throught of this from the picture i saw,,i should do like this in my restaurant,,cool :)very nice