Mushrooms turning white

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2006
manteca ca
It seems like most of my musrooms are turning white, why is that? Nothing has changed other than I am doing kalkwasser with a drip system. I have checked all paramiters- alk is 8ppms, mag is at 1470ppm, nitates 0ppms, calcium is 450, nitites 0, ammonia 0. All of the othe corals ,inverts and anenomes seems to be doing just fine, even the crocea is soing great
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actually a few people responded, just not from this site. But anyway I moved the shrooms down to dirt, there still white but they seem to be growing. thanks
I was traveling my friend... lost the post in the bulk. Also see that we needed more info and some images ideally to give you accurate advice and not just a pot-shot guess