My 1st refugium build! Will this work?

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Dec 12, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hello everyone! I am in the process of putting together my very 1st saltwater aquarium and here is what I have come up with as a refugium/sump design for my 75g acrylic tank. Will this be sufficient? Let me know what you think. Any feedback would help. Thanks for looking and HAPPY REEFING!
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30 gal refugium

substrate will include caribsea mineral mud (about and inch on bottom) and live sand (3 inches over the mineral mud). It will also have the following macroalgaes planted:

Feather Caulerpa
Oar grass
Red Mangroves
Black mangroves
Red and Green Gracilaria

Light brown areas are live rock and lava rock.

The equipment I have bought but not yet setup includes:

Mag drive 1200 return pump
3 Hydor Koralia 4s
Hydor Theo 400w heater
Red Sea Wavemater Pro
400w metal halide ballast with bulb (not sure of the what it puts out)
ETSS Reed Devil protein skimmer (might not keep it)
Marine Environment Salt
Caribsea Aragmax sand and Caribsea Ocean Direct sand
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remove the first baffle. The water level will go as high as third, lower the return pump a bit. your probably gonna get some air with that high.
Hello everyone! I am in the process of putting together my very 1st saltwater aquarium and here is what I have come up with as a refugium/sump design for my 75g acrylic tank. Will this be sufficient? Let me know what you think. Any feedback would help. Thanks for looking and HAPPY REEFING!

the drain for your skimmer will never work that high, it must not be any higher than 1/4-1/2 the height of your skimmer (depending on what type skimmer), otherwise your skimmer will just overflow immediatly
Thanks for the tips guys! I will definately need to be making some adjustments.. As of now I guess I will be taking off the 1st baffle and lowering my return pump a bit. As for the skimmer, I'm not even sure if I'm goin to be using it. I might just run my system without the skimmer and pick a new one up later down the road. Got a ETSS Reef Devil and it's HUGE!
If you are using the mangroves for nutrient export, I'd skip them. They aren't really very efficent for nutrient export.
Use the last chamber for equipment only.
Why lava rock?
Ok then no mangroves. I'm putting the lava rock in because I figured it would be a form a filtration since the rock is really porous and they sent it with the live cultured sand I bought online.

30 gal refugium

substrate will include caribsea mineral mud (about and inch on bottom) and live sand (3 inches over the mineral mud). It will also have the following macroalgaes planted:

Feather Caulerpa
Oar grass
Red Mangroves
Black mangroves
Red and Green Gracilaria

Light brown areas are live rock and lava rock.

The equipment I have bought but not yet setup includes:

Mag drive 1200 return pump
3 Hydor Koralia 4s
Hydor Theo 400w heater
Red Sea Wavemater Pro
400w metal halide ballast with bulb (not sure of the what it puts out)
ETSS Reed Devil protein skimmer (might not keep it)
Marine Environment Salt
Caribsea Aragmax sand and Caribsea Ocean Direct sand

I got tired of bouncing back and forth between posts to keep info straight....

First question is "What are you planning to keep in this tank?"

I would forget about the mangroves as previously mentioned. I would also choose between Cheato and Caulerpa for fuge algaes since they grow the fastest and will overwhelm any other algaes. Since those two are the fastest growing, they will be the best source of nutrient export.

I would not use the mineral mud personally. I prefer to remove detritus from the sump via siphoning...mud in the sump prevents that, and you dont need it to grow macro algae.

Regarding the Korallias and the wavemaster...will the Korallia's work on the Wavemaster? They might not, which is why I asked.

You need to find out who makes your 400W MH ballast and what bulbs it can run. You also need to find out what kelvin rating your bulb is and who makes it.

The ETSS skimmer is a good one, if you've already got it, there is nothing wrong with keeping it. Odds are you wont get what you paid for it if you try and sell it. The resale value of this hobby is amazingly low....

Sorry forgot about the bulkhead question....If its a RR tank, the bulkhead sizes will most likely be 1 inch and 3/4 inch, (drains and returns).

Thanks for the help MAXX! You were of great help. I am planning on keeping mostly LPS, inverts, and a few fish. Probably gonna add some SPS but that won't be happening until later down the road as I'm a college student on a BUDGET and can't afford a calcium reactor! As for the macros I chose them thinking it would be better to have a variety of plant life for nutrient export but if it's not gonna make a difference then I will save the $ and stick to the chaeto that I already have and pick up some feather caulerpa from the local zoo where I can get some FREE! The mineral mud I only bought because the guy at the fish store recommended that I buy it and that it was "better" than having live sand in my fuge? He told me that I should put about an inch on the bottom of the fuge and then 4 inches of live sand over it? Oh I also picked out a "cleaner crew" but have not yet ordered it. Could you possibly tell me if you think this will be sufficient or overkill for a 75g? Is there anything else that you would recommend adding?

25 turbo snails
20 astrea snails
50 dwarf cerith snails
30 nassarius vibex snails
75 blue legged hermit crab
4 emerald green crabs
10 peppermint shrimp
4 limpets
30 dwarf planaxis
lettuce nudibranch
fuzzy chiton
Oh yea in regards to the Red Sea wavemaker. The guy that I purchased it from said he was using koralias on it so I bought 3 koralia 4s.
Thanks for the help MAXX! You were of great help. I am planning on keeping mostly LPS, inverts, and a few fish. Probably gonna add some SPS but that won't be happening until later down the road as I'm a college student on a BUDGET and can't afford a calcium reactor! As for the macros I chose them thinking it would be better to have a variety of plant life for nutrient export but if it's not gonna make a difference then I will save the $ and stick to the chaeto that I already have and pick up some feather caulerpa from the local zoo where I can get some FREE! The mineral mud I only bought because the guy at the fish store recommended that I buy it and that it was "better" than having live sand in my fuge? He told me that I should put about an inch on the bottom of the fuge and then 4 inches of live sand over it? Oh I also picked out a "cleaner crew" but have not yet ordered it. Could you possibly tell me if you think this will be sufficient or overkill for a 75g? Is there anything else that you would recommend adding?

25 turbo snails
20 astrea snails
50 dwarf cerith snails
30 nassarius vibex snails
75 blue legged hermit crab
4 emerald green crabs
10 peppermint shrimp
4 limpets
30 dwarf planaxis
lettuce nudibranch
fuzzy chiton

Okay, best bet is to plan your system around the critters you want to keep.
What kind of fish do want to keep? Some fish are really pretty, really personable, and realllllllllly not reef safe. Most LPS are fleshy and invite nibbling by certain fish.

I can also tell you that I tried for a few years to keep corals without a calcium reactor, and really didnt have much luck until I got one. This doesnt mean you wont be able to, just that I had a hard time with my schedule and time available to maintain levels properly. You might try and keep your eyes open for a used calcium reactor can sometimes find them fairly cheaply.

Other thoughts in no particular order...

Everytime I set up a reef tank, I learn something new. Each tank is an evolution from the one before it. Some things almost have to be learned by doing. I suspect you will end up the same way. With that in mind I would suggest you do as much research as possible prior to spending any money. It will save you money in the long run.
For example, your purchase of the 400 w MH's. In a standard 75 gallon tank, (48Lx24Wx18H), you can use 250 watt MH's and still keep the most light demanding SPS in your system. With the new reflectors out, (LumenBright specifically), you could have 175 watt MH's over your tank, and still keep everything you want......and save money on energy costs and bulb replacement costs.
A great book to read is The Reef Aquarium: Science, Art, and Technology, Vol. 3 by Delbeek and Sprung. It is full of all sorts of information which will help you plan your tank out.

Another way to save money for your first system is to buy dry base rock instead of live rock. Do your aquascaping with the base rock, and then buy one or two live rocks that you like. This will "seed" your tank and the base rock is significantly less expensive than the live rock. It also has the advantage of being pest free. Try Marco Rocks for base rock.

Regarding your clean up it when you need it, not before. Too soon and they'll starve and most wont survive the cycle anyway.

Out of your entire clean up crew list, I wouldnt buy anything more than the snails, and then only when you have enough algae to warrant their purchase. Anything else intially, IMO, IME, is just a waste of money. BTW, that clean up crew is about 3x what you would need in a 75 gallon tank.

I would go with:

5 turbo snails
10 astrea snails
20 dwarf cerith snails
30 nassarius vibex snails
4-5 Hermit crabs

Keep in mind the hermits are going to kill your snails as soon as they need shells for homes or food. I dont have any hermits in my system.
