After doing some research and talking to a staff member we FINALLY

arty: figured out why i was killing inverts and melting corals... Its a little element called iodine... when I received a box of chemicals I decided I should add all of them... well everything but one was good. i had dumped about 1mL of iodine into my tank.
Solution: get some sort of water treatment and treat 10g or so. than do a 30% wait about a couple days than add new carbon to the system and do another 30%.
Any suggestions on what I should do for a water treatment? and certain type I should buy?
trying to wrap my head around the scenario...
so you received a box of chemicals with the system and added them to the water,
i assume by following the dosing directions on the containers...
maybe a list of everything you received and used would be good.
second, if u kno whats good for u, you'll take up tat2z_21's offer to build you an inexpensive LED fixture for your nano...
now... first off, you should really not use tap water... surely there is a safeway by your house and you could fill up your containers there with ro filtered water... you've prolly seen customers filling their water jugs there. this might not be the best water but waaaay better than tap for sure! and no clorine!! or addition of water conditioners/declorinators.
second, run GAC(grannular activated carbon) in your system 24/7 and change it out at least once a week!
I kno your planning on getting a decent HOB skimmer for the tank, so thats great...
just for the record, here is what i have pm'ed you with for my opinion of good skimmers for that tank;
for flow,.... i have a 20g tank, and have a total of 1600 gph of flow from tunze and koralia powerheads, i would suggest you get one larger koralia or tunze powerhead and hide it behind the rockwork. you will have to modify your rockwork so that the outlet of the powerhead is not obstructed, and that the flow will go all the way around the aquarium, if you do it properly, one sigle powerhead that is hidden will provide you with all the flow you will need.
here are a couple links to the exact models of koralia /tunze and sicce pumps that would be singularly perfect for your system.
HY-P19601 Premium Aquatics - HY-P19601 Aquarium Supplies
SIC-117 Premium Aquatics - SIC-117 Aquarium Supplies
T6065 Premium Aquatics - T6065 Aquarium Supplies
now, i would emplore you to probably dump all the chemicals you received with your system, and purchase
brand new high quality additives for your system, as well as a couple brand new test kits as well.
and yes, if you dont own one already, pick yourself up a $10 hydrometer to measure salinity...
then when you can afford, get a $40-50 refractometer for very accurate salinity readings.
here is a combination of 4 products that will provide you with everything you need to start with,
and wont break the bank.
BW-RCA250 Premium Aquatics - BW-RCA250 Aquarium Supplies
BW-RCB250 Premium Aquatics - BW-RCB250 Aquarium Supplies
BW-REP250 Premium Aquatics - BW-REP250 Aquarium Supplies
BW-LUG30 Premium Aquatics - BW-LUG30 Aquarium Supplies
with the lugol's iodine, just add ONE DROP A WEEK to your 24g aquapod, the rest, just follow the directions.
I would also suggest you add amino acids and vitamins to the regime as soon as you can afford as well:
BW-COA60 Premium Aquatics - BW-COA60 Aquarium Supplies
BW-VTM250 Premium Aquatics - BW-VTM250 Aquarium Supplies
now, test kits...
just get ELOS brand test kits,
I would suggest you need the following test kits to start;
Elos Premium Aquatics - Elos Aquarium Supplies
in the mean time you can probably take your water to a reef shop and have them test the parameters for you for free until you have the appropriate test kits.
also, i will suggest that you get a digital ph meter instead of a ph test kit so you can have all-day ph monitoring;
MIL-MW101 Premium Aquatics - MIL-MW101 Aquarium Supplies
with a meter like this, the probe will sit in the filter section of your ap24 and you can read the ph display 24/7.
now, until you can afford a nice LED fixture, i feel compelled to mention that there are nice light fixtures that are easy on the eyes but still cheap,
and also, a decent cheap skimmer body($40) that just requires you to buy a $25 pump:
and the pump you would want to use:
This isnt as good as the other skimmers i recommended, but it is a good, cheap alternative.
if you do get this skimmer, DONT buy the POS pump aquatraders sells for the skimmer!!!
the acclea pump that CPR uses is much much better!!