My 300 Gallon sps tank

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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hey Charlie, i like the new look. lots of room for growth... when do we get to see sand? the clams are looking really good :)

I know that this isn't the best time to ask this, but if you can hold on to a chunk of 4" PVC, it could be soon, I think we could sneak some in there. I can come and get ya, if your road isn't a skating rink, and I guess I could take ya back home, but not before we Maybe 3 weeks down the road, what do you think?
You just gotta love Photobucket
Hi Charlie...tank looks great! I also like the fact that your pictures are visible, not a link to an image. SO, in the spirit of teaching an old dog (me) new tricks (how to use photobucket) how did you accomplish that? I would like to display pictures that way, too, guess I gotta learn sometime.

I can help with pipe too (some weekends).
i think i can hold a pipe, with one hand anyway:)...

I would think that would work Rob, but I still have to figure out exactly how I am gonna do this. I think I have resigned myself to the fact that the particular section we are doing will have to come out, and I really hate to do that so soon after I just got done terrorizing the crap outta the tank. Maybe we should wait a bit, what thinks you.
Hi Charlie...tank looks great! I also like the fact that your pictures are visible, not a link to an image. SO, in the spirit of teaching an old dog (me) new tricks (how to use photobucket) how did you accomplish that? I would like to display pictures that way, too, guess I gotta learn sometime.

I can help with pipe too (some weekends).

Do you have photobucket now, let's start with that?
signing up is easy. When you upload a pic, it goes into an album. You open up that album and your pics will all be there, just mouse over the pic and you get a dropdown menu. pick the image code and copy it, then go back to the thread you wanna post it in and paste it. pretty darn easy, if I figured it out I am sure you
Got some new stuff over the weekend, thank you Mr. Kevin Pockell. I have some pics of his shop also, but those haven't been thru the ringer yet.
The first 2 pics are Montipora undata, the next couple are a blue millepora that I just had to have, and the last 2 are a cute little maxima that I couldn't resist. Hope you like. :):)






try this first,,,turn off the water flow,close the A down to 9-11 adjust your speed,, then tri pod it let camera do the work on M mode,,,shoot,,you should get the sharper picture..
have fun